Junior School

Year 1
The weeks seem to be flying by so quickly as we approach the end of the school year. It seems to have been a music filled few weeks for our students. In Music, Mr Philpot has been teaching the students how to play the Xylophone, and they were so excited to be able to share their skills with everyone at the Junior School Assembly last week. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend this Assembly and support the children. As you read the reflections, you will sense the excitement of our students who relished this opportunity to perform on stage.
Luke: We played the Xylophones on the stage. It was really fun.
Cayden: It was fun because we got to go on stage.
Ethan: Everybody had a great time.
Jeremy: Even though my Mum wasn’t there I was happy.
Chloe: We had to practice hard before hand and my favourite part was when we went up on the stage because there were people watching us play the Xylophone. The audience were watching us.
Isla: Thank you to all of the parents who came. We hope it was a good show. Even though some of us had stage fright we all did really well.
Ruhaan: We were proud of ourselves while we were doing the Xylophone.
Vincent: It was very exciting and we could show our Mums how good we are.
Cassius: We got to go on the stage and my Mum was there. I felt like I was really doing a concert and it was my very first concert up on the stage.
Jack: It was really exciting and fun and I really liked going up on the stage.
Georgia: I was excited and nervous at the same time. I liked the tune of the song.
Oliver: I liked that I got to play the Xylophone on the stage and see my Mum in the audience.
Not only did the Year 1 children have the opportunity to perform on stage, but they were able to listen to the Wesley College Concert Band perform when they attended King’s College this week. Here are some of the comments from our students:
Sylvanas: Jurassic Park was my best song performed by Wesley College because it is a song that I know.
Caprice: I liked the band because I liked the instruments and they were playing really good. My favourite instrument looks like a keyboard and it had sticks.
Caleb: I liked the sword when they were doing the battle thing. They used the drum.
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
After our recent Flagstaff Hill excursion, the Year 2's have continued their learning about changes to technology over time. This week we have looked at changes to technology in schools over time. Students revised the old school rules that they had learnt while at Flagstaff Hill and put them into practice during our Humanities lesson to compare how things have changed.
On Wednesday, Wesley College came to our school and had their choir and concert band perform. The Year 2's loved watching this. Read below for some of their favourite moments of the performance:
Ethan - "My favourite part was when the concert band played the Jurassic Park music because I like the tune."
Fletcher - "I liked hearing the concert band play and all of their instruments."
Henry B - "One of my favourite instruments was the grandfather of the brass family - the tuba."
Rebecca A - "My favourite part was when they shared all about the instruments that they played, because near the end they played some different tunes. My favourite instrument was the flute."
Olivia - "My favourite part of Wesley College's performance was the singing. I like all of the songs that they did and it was the best time ever."
Sam - "My favourite instrument was the trombone because my brother has one and I love the sound of it."
Maeve - "At the start of the performance, the sound of the choir was lovely and they were great at singing their songs. I also loved hearing the saxophone when the concert band played."
Joey - "In the Wesley College performance, I liked when they showed us their highest and lowest notes."
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
Recently, the Year 3 students were delighted to welcome and engage with Gideon Kabenge, Director of Ararat Christian School Uganda. We learned of God's call upon Gideon's life to give many orphans the opportunity to experience hope and gain an education. While his visit was brief, his story greatly impacted our lives.
Christine Burford
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
Year 4 students have been working on showing their understanding of measurement, proportion and ratios by enlarging and reducing shapes on a grid. Collaborating with partners, students created their own shapes and then explained the mathematical process involved with reducing or enlarging that shape. Creative minds at work!
Julie James
Learning Enhancement Coordiantor
My Day in the Year 6 Classroom!
All of the cricket students from Year 4 left for the bus to their Cricket grounds. I was one of the few students going to the Year 6 room because we had to split up. First we played times tables bingo and I thought that was great. After that we made our own game of Kahoot! I made mine about Animals. Then we played all the Kahoots, and a Year 6 student named Lil kept winning. I liked the Kahoots but then we moved on to Yahtzee Classic after Recess. Later we went and took the FOGO bins and emptied them, I was paired with a boy named Fraiser. At the end of the day we had to go to music (still with the Year 6’s). In music we were practicing one of the items we were going to do next week (which is this same week I am writing this).
Ashley D
Year 4 Student
Interschool Cricket
Hi, my name is Nate. I went to Interschool Cricket to represent King's College. In my experience, I loved having fun with my friends. I also liked bowling and fielding. But my favourite part was having a go. Interschool Cricket was super fun. This is my experience at Interschool Cricket.
Nate C
Year 4 Student
Year 5
Year 5 have had a great time in STEM this week engineering domino paths. We have also had fun in Science learning about evaporation and condensation. We made Popcorn and discovered that as a kernel heats up, the water expands and builds pressure against the hard surface. Eventually the outer layer gives way, causing the popcorn to explode. As it explodes, the starch inside the Popcorn becomes inflated and bursts, turning the kernel inside out.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Year 6
Year 6 have been very busy at the moment working on tasks and assignments for our final reporting cycle. In Humanities, we are using our research skills to compare many aspects of Australia to an Asian country of our choice. We are doing this in Google Slides and will present it to the rest of the class when we are finished. In Science, we are continuing to explore Circuits and Switches. This week we learnt how to use a switch in a circuit and what it is used for. In Maths, we have been learning about the tricks we can use to know if certain numbers can be divided by other numbers but Tables Bingo remains our favourite part of Maths.
In Language, we have been learning about letter writing and are currently writing letters to next year's Year 6 class telling them about what to expect in Year 6, what to look forward to and what we've enjoyed. In our Novel Study, we have been enjoying sharing the novel Wonder. We have noticed far more detail in the novel than in the movie, which many of us have seen. We have enjoyed hearing the story from the point of view of all the different characters. In S.T.E.M. we are in the middle of making a Christmas Thaumatrope. This is an optical illusion that places the drawing of both sides of a disc together when you spin it. It is really cool. We are also planning for our Graduation party. So, as you can see, Year 6 is very busy at the moment.
Coral Robertson
Year 6 Teacher