Year 5/6

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts

Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Welcome back to our wonderful Year 5/6 students and their families!  We hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable break. It’s hard to believe we’re already in Term 4! This term is full of exciting activities and events for our Year 5/6 students, including:

- 2025 Captain speeches and selection  

- Arcade Games  

- Moving Into The Teen Years (MITTY) incursion  

- Knox Division Rugby Gala Day  

- PFA Market Day  

- Buddy Movie Night and Teddy Bear Sleepover  

- Presentation of the Tilly Aston Achievement Award and Rowville Endeavour Award  

- The Big Day Out  


Fun in 5/6!

We’ve also got plenty of special activities planned during our weekly 'Fun in 5/6!' sessions.  


In Week 1, students spent time in the garden weeding, tidying the garden beds, and helping to move plants around the school and kitchen garden.  


In Week 2, we held our 'Terrific Tuesday Trivia' session where students formed teams and competed in trivia on a range of topics, finishing with a Kahoot quiz all about the Year 5/6 teachers to see who knows us best!  


In Week 3, each class will participate in a special cooking session with our ‘Ultimate Cook’, Julie. Each class chose their own recipe and will spend time measuring, mixing, rolling and baking some delicious treats to enjoy!


We’re looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!


- Jordyn, Sarah and Tracy



What We Are Learning


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 4

Visual Arts

This term, the focus will be threads and textiles. Students will be creating either a dry-felted cushion (Year 5) or a Graduation bear (Year 6). Year 5 students will be learning how to dry-felt wool tops, sew buttons and sequins, and join material using blanket stitch. Students in Year 6 will construct a calico bear and make clothes for their bear using clothes patterns and running stitch. 



This term, Year 5/6 students will explore seashore cities in China, and learn how to say the names of different sea creatures in Chinese. They will browse various types of seafood China has, and use sentence patterns from last term to express what they would like to eat and ask, "Can I have...?” in Chinese. As part of their cultural studies, they will explore Chinese table etiquette. 



During Term 4, students in Year 5/6 will be learning about major geological events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. They will be completing a research project on a natural disaster of their choice and will investigate how, when and where it may occur. Students will be required to answer a range of questions and present the information to their peers.


Performing Arts

In Performing Arts lessons this term, students will learn more about music theory, particularly the ability to identify and explain intervals. They will become familiar with intervals by learning melodies that highlight each interval. There will be a focus on recognising the Perfect Octave, Perfect Fifth, Perfect Fourth, tones and semi-tones. 


Physical Education

This term, students will continue to develop their striking, fielding and teamwork skills when practising the sport of Softball. They will also practise striking when developing their tennis skills, performing forehand, backhand and volleys. Mid-term, students will have the opportunity to participate in a Gala Tag Rugby tournament, which is a non-contact version of rugby. Our annual House Sports will be on Friday 8th November.


Uniform: Hats are back! This is a friendly reminder that students need to be wearing hats outside as no hat means no play. Without a hat students will be restricted to undercover areas or the library. We also want to make a friendly reminder that our green school uniform must be worn by students at school. Casual jumpers and tracksuit pants are not considered to be a part of the Scoresby Primary School uniform. 


Homework: Don’t forget homework! It is the expectation that students read 20 minutes every night, and complete their writing and maths homework given every fortnight. Students need to complete their homework in their homework books and fill in their reading diary. 


Rugby League Gala Day: If your child is participating in the Rugby League Gala Day, make sure you jump onto Compass to consent/pay for the event. 


Cardboard Boxes: Our 5/6s have begun designing a building for their Arcade Games. Therefore, if any families have any boxes (any size) to donate for the students, it would be greatly appreciated. 



Market Day

On Saturday 26th October we are having our Market Day here at SPS. The Market Day event has been the hard work of our wonderful PFA. We have many external stalls booked for the day, and we are also running smaller class stalls.


We are seeking our community’s support in 2 ways: donations for the stalls and/or volunteering time to help us man the stalls between 9.00am and 3.00pm. If you can volunteer an hour of time on the day, please see your class teacher. Times for assistance on the day are :

  • 9am -10am (set up)  
  • 10am-11am / 11am-12pm / 12pm-1pm /1pm-2pm (1hr shifts throughout the day)
  • 2pm -3pm (pack up)


We are seeking donations for the following for our level’s stalls: 

5/6W and 5/6H: Community to donate good condition, pre-loved books - children's picture books, fiction and non-fiction books, adult fiction and non-fiction books, parents to man stall.

5/6S: 5/6S students to bring in a small packet of party mix lollies. 5/6S parents to man stall.


We are looking forward to this event at Scoresby PS, and we are grateful to the PFA for their work and organisation.


Year 6 Graduation

Thank you to all the families who attended our first Year 6 Graduation Parent Committee meeting last week. Your time and contributions are greatly appreciated as we begin planning this special event for our students.


Please see the ‘Save the Date’ for our 2024 Graduation. More information will come.


Jordyn Whittington

Year 6 Graduation Coordinator


Try This...

You and your friends decide to host a bake sale to raise money for the Big Day Out. You sell cupcakes for $2.75 each and cookies for $1.50 each. By the end of the day, you’ve sold 25 cupcakes and 40 cookies. How much money did you make in total? After the bake sale, you realise you still need to pay for the ingredients, which cost $37.50. 


How much profit did you make? 



Last week all of the 5/6s went out to the Kitchen Garden and did some gardening together with Felicity. We split up into two groups, one group was with our teacher and the other group was with Felicity. We all worked together to pull out weeds, tidy plants and picked up loose rubbish to make the area look clean. We learned how to pull out weeds properly and that if you leave weed roots in the ground that it would create a new weed, and also learned that if you cut a plant from a specific spot on the stem it will regrow again. There was also a lucky group of students who were able to plant tomato plants in the garden beds. We’re excited to see, and hopefully taste, the tomatoes when they’re ready! Overall, we had so much fun and were all begging to do it again!!!

By Summer and Leila



Terrific Tuesday Trivia

On Tuesday, the Year 5/6 level had ‘Terrific Tuesday Trivia’ in the hall as part of our weekly ‘Fun in 5/6!’ sessions. We split up into groups of three and decided on our own team’s name. Then we moved to our own section of the hall and got our trivia sheets and were ready to go! Miss Whittington started to read out questions and as a team we had to figure out the answer. We had to try and do this quietly so that the other groups didn’t hear our answers. Some of the questions were hard, and some were easier. In the afternoon, we all participated in a Kahoot quiz all about the teachers! Miss Whittington, Miss Harper and Mrs Spelman created questions about themselves to see which students knew them best. Some of the questions were very funny. We all think it was a great day and we hope to do it again sometime soon!

By Noah and Tenzin


Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day

On Friday the 11th of October, we had a whole school Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day to learn more about where our Colour Run fundraising money is headed. In the 5/6 year level, we picked one of seven species of turtle to research. There were Leatherbacks, Green Sea Turtles, and more.  Later, we watched a tutorial on how to draw a turtle. In the afternoon for Scoresby Superstars, we made turtles out of paper bowls, magnets or paper.  We invited parents to come and look at our posters and the craft activities we made at Scoresby Superstars. We ended with many students from different classes presenting their work at assembly. 

By Mia, Sosefina and Elena