Year 3/4

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Welcome back to Term 4. We hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday, with many sleep-ins and making the most of having a break from the regular school routine.


We have hit the ground running with our learning, and our term will consist of new learning as well as revising and extending our knowledge of previously taught topics.


A major focus this term is to provide more opportunities for students to be engaged in different activities, both inside the classroom and in the playground. We now have a variety of lunchtime and recess activities planned, where students can participate if they wish. In the classroom, we have introduced a session each week that we have called ‘Clubs’. This is a fun session, where students will experience different activities which are fun and engaging.


Our first session of Clubs involved origami and Zentangles drawing, and our second session was Shrinky Dinks. The Shrinky Dinks need to be cooked and we look forward to getting these back. Thanks to Mrs Foenander who will be doing the cooking!


Thank you to the parents and family members who joined us to share the students' learning on the Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day. We also thank those who visited us during our Morning Rigour session this week. Keep an eye out for the dates of future sessions where you will be able to come and join in with our learning.


We are very excited to be heading off to camp on Monday. Please spend the weekend making sure that everything you need to take on camp is named and packed, ready for Monday morning.  Students are reminded that they need to bring their own snack, lunch and water bottle for Monday.


From the Level 3/4 Team 

Caz Sheaf, Caroline Foenander, Larissa Holdsworth and Sue Hartley



What We Are Learning


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 4

Visual Arts

This term, students will explore threads in art. They will use a circular loom to create a woven poppy for a mixed media Remembrance Day art piece. Next, students will create mini turtles, winding wool around a popstick armature. For their final piece, students will design a felt Christmas ornament. They will practise threading a needle, tying knots and sewing small stitches before adding extra detail to their chosen design.



Year 3/4 students will focus on learning how to talk about different types of clothing in Chinese. Building on their previous knowledge of how to say "I want to buy snacks/food," they will now combine this with the new vocabulary to express what clothes they want to buy when they go shopping. Additionally, students will explore traditional Chinese clothing as part of their cultural studies.



During Term 4, students in Year 3/4 will be learning about major geological events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. They will be completing a research project on a natural disaster of their choice and will investigate how, when and where it may occur. Students will be required to answer a range of questions and present the information to their peers.


Performing Arts

In Performing Arts lessons this term, students will learn more about music theory, particularly the ability to identify and explain intervals. They will become familiar with intervals by learning melodies that highlight each interval. For example, the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow will be studied to help recognise the Octave, and Star Wars will help to recognise the Perfect Fifth. 


Physical Education

Students will practise their forehand striking, catching and throwing skills whilst learning how to play Softball. They will have the opportunity to extend their striking skills when playing tennis, learning to make a backhand strike as well as volleys. To finish the term, students will participate in Bike Ed to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours to ride a bicycle safely and independently. On Bike Ed days, students will need to bring their bikes to school. I will be seeking assistance on the day of our local bike ride (more details will follow later this term). If there is a family member who is available to tighten brakes, fix seats and other general bike work, please send me an email or see me at school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Our annual House Sports will be on Friday 8th November.


  • Check that you have everything you need for camp.
  • All Grade 3 students have been asked to donate a bag of small lollipops, and Grade 4 students have been asked to donate a bag of Jaffa lollies to be used at the Jaffa Smash activity at the PFA Market Day. Please bring these to school ASAP.
  • Please volunteer one hour of your time, if possible, to work on the Jaffa Smash activity at the PFA Market Day. Try asking another parent to join you - it might be more fun!


Try This...

You need: Five numbers 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (write each one on a separate piece of paper)

Task: Place any four of the numbers in the frame below to make a true equation. Try to find more than one solution.

Challenge: How many solutions are there?


Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day


Making Fairy Bread

As part of our unit learning how to write procedures, we all had the opportunity to make our own fairy bread before writing about it. We needed to include an aim/goal, a list of materials, and the steps we had to follow. We had a lot of fun making sure we wrote all of the instructions with a lot of detail to ensure that the person reading our procedure did everything properly.