Year 1/2

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

We hope you had a lovely break over the holidays and that your children are feeling refreshed and ready for a busy final term!


We have already done some exciting things in our first two weeks back. Last Friday we had our Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day. The students had a wonderful day learning about our Great Barrier Reef, in particular about the different species of turtles that live there and the problems they are facing due to rubbish, oil spills, coral bleaching and much more. Our upcoming Colour Run will raise money to help the turtles and their habitat.


On Monday, we had a wonderful excursion with the Foundation students to the Sea Life Aquarium in the city. This was to extend our knowledge learnt on the Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day. It was a great day for all! We saw many different animals and sea creatures, including star fish, turtles, sharks, a crocodile, jelly fish, sea horses, and lots of penguins. We loved seeing Pesto the penguin! The students really enjoyed this fun day out.


On Tuesday this week, it was great to have some parents and families come along to the Open Morning for our daily Morning Rigour session. The students were very keen to share their Rainbow Maths learning and spelling knowledge with you. 


We have lots of fun activities coming up at SPS, in particular our Market Day on Saturday 26th October. 1/2F and Foundation are holding the Pre-loved Toys and Games stall, and 1/2K are holding a Chocolate Toss. Donations of pre-loved toys, games and blocks of chocolate (1/2K only) are greatly appreciated. We also require some parent helpers on the stalls; even just one hour of your time would be a tremendous help. If you are able to help out, please contact your child’s teacher.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


- Kellie Symons, Kate Fox and Hannah Flintoff



What We Are Learning


What We Are Learning In Specialist Classes              In Term 4

Visual Arts

Students will begin Term 4 looking at the perspective of distance when designing a field of poppies art piece, using darker colours and bigger poppies in the foreground. Next, they will explore the art of James Rizzi, in particular his cityscapes and birds. Students will discuss and explore the art elements of line, shape, space and colour when discussing James Rizzi’s art and creating their own artworks. In December students will create reindeer artworks.



In the previous term, Year 1/2 students focused on learning how to count and read/write one-digit numbers, two-digit numbers, and whole-hour times in Mandarin. This term, they will learn how to say the days of the week in Chinese. They will also be introduced to different types of weather and will practise writing Chinese characters for weather-related words. Culturally, they will explore the development of Chinese character writing.



During Term 4, students in Year 1/2 will be looking at Earth’s resources. They will be learning about different types of rocks, water and soil and will be investigating their uses. The students will also be learning about the water cycle and will finish the term by investigating volcanoes. 


Performing Arts

In Performing Arts lessons this term, students will be rehearsing and performing multiple parts on the xylophone and keyboards. They will develop their notation and reading of quarter notes, eighth notes and rests. They will also be preparing an item for our Christmas Gathering. 


Physical Education

In Physical Education this term, students will learn soccer skills from a visiting soccer coach. They will develop dribbling, passing, shooting and defending skills, and work towards playing soccer matches. As we head into the warmer months, students are reminded to bring hats and water bottles to PE lessons. 


  • Communication Folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day
  • Reading Logs: Record your child’s nightly reading
  • Red folders: Regularly practise reading or spelling their high frequency words
  • Market Day stalls: Parent helpers required. Contact your child’s teacher. 


Try This...

What belongs? What doesn’t belong?


Skittles Data Graphing


Great Barrier Reef Explorer Day


Excursion To Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium