KHS Students Attend Conference
Kempsey hosted the national 'Social Impact in the Regions' conference in September, allowing practitioners to network with like-minded people and to create investment opportunities.
The Social Impact Conference was the first conference of its kind. We listened to professionals from all over Australia discuss how they operate, investing in regional impact and how they can support young people in regional communities.
Kempsey High School and Macksville High School were invited to a private sit down discussion, in which they talked about what they liked and what could be improved for the following years, so young people could access the information and use their voice to improve the world around them.
KHS student Tanaya Vale was brave enough in front of a large group to ask a question in the Q&A section and was the only young person to do this. As a result Deb from YP space approached Tanaya to ask if she would like to be part of a community group and voice young peoples ideas and opinions on topics which impact them.
The conference focused on the social and economic value of the social impact sector in regional communities through a range of keynote speakers, masterclasses, workshops and action learning sets. There were 50 speakers across three days, covering topics from grant writing to impact measurement to asset based community development.