Engagement & Wellbeing

Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships: Term 4 Topics


Topic 7 ‘Gender and Identity’ and Topic 8 ‘Positive Gender Relations’

Within Topic 7, students will think about their likes and dislikes and learn to recognise that they may be the same or different to their peers. Following this they will discuss how being different and liking different things is what makes us special. Within Topic 8, students will identify and express a range of emotions when interacting with others, what is safe and unsafe play and how to keep their body safe.


Grades One to Six

Topic 4 ‘Problem Solving’

During the topic on Problem Solving, students work towards building their resilience when playing games with others along with appropriate ways to solve problems. This is supported through role play and hands on activities to build their communication skills to support conflict resolution.

SWPBS Whole School Reward - Pyjama Day!

In celebration of completing Level 1 of our Whole School Reward, everyone was excited to have a Pyjama Day this week. We had an awesome day dressed in our cosiest pyjamas, oodies and dressing gowns! 

Keep up the fabulous work displaying our School Values!! Our goal is to achieve the Level 2 reward next semester. 

Hula Hoop Estimation Challenge

It was once again terrific to see the engagement from our students and families in our most recent estimation challenge at Assembly. Thank you to all those who have been brave enough to stand up and complete the challenge in front of the whole school community.

Stay tuned for two more challenges in Term 4!