From the Principal
Welcome back to Term Four
We would like to welcome everyone back to Term Four. We look forward to an exciting term with many exciting activities planned including;
- Whole School Production
- Year 6 Graduation
- Stand Tall Program (Year 4)
- Fire Safety Education (Foundation)
- Chesterfield Farm excursion (Foundation)
- Brainstorm Productions ‘Sticks and Stones’ (Foundation to Year 6)
- Musical Soiree (Selected students from Foundation to Year 6)
- Christmas Concert (Foundation to Year 6)
- Meeting 2025 Class Teachers
- Year 5 & 6 End of year Fun Day excursions
- Year 6 Camp to Lorne
- Year 3 & 4 Camp to Philip Island
- Year 5 Leadership speeches and announcement of 2025 Student leaders
Building works
We are pleased to announce that Unit B and D have had split systems installed during the recent school holidays. These will provide cooling and warmth to the students and staff in these buildings for many years.
School Production
We are very much looking forward to our School Production which will be held this
Wednesday, 9th and Thursday, 10th October. Both performances promise to be wonderful nights for our entire school community.
Please ensure that you read all the Compass feeds that outline the important information for both nights.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Alexander Theatre at Monash University.
Parent Opinion Survey Results
We would like to thank the parents that completed the annual Parent Opinion Survey. We recently received the results, and we are very happy with the feedback. Please note that we always welcome and embrace feedback from community members as all the staff at Camelot Rise Primary School are committed to making this the best possible school for all our students.
We are still unpacking a lot of the data we received but we would like to share with you some of the initial results:
I feel this school values parent/caregiver/guardians’ contributions | 89% |
Parent / Caregiver / Guardian participation and involvement | 87% |
This school gives me opportunities to participate in my child’s education | 85% |
This school has a strong relationship with the local community | 85% |
School communication | 92% |
I am able to get the information I need through the regular school communication channels | 96% |
I feel comfortable about approaching the school with any concerns I might have | 94% |
I feel confident to support my child’s learning at home | 87% |
Teacher communication | 86% |
The school takes parents/ caregivers/guardians’ concerns seriously | 87% |
There is effective two-way communication between the teachers and parent/caregiver/guardians at this school | 91% |
SCHOOL ETHOS AND ENVIRONMENT | % Positive responses |
Overall, I am satisfied with the education my child receives from this school | 89% |
The school has clean and well-maintained facilities and grounds | 91% |
The school always aims to improve the quality of education it provides | 89% |
I feel confident that this school provides a good standard of education for my child | 89% |
High expectations for success | 89% |
Teachers at this school expect my child to do their best | 85% |
The school celebrates student achievements in all areas | 94% |
Student motivation and support | 87% |
My child gets extra help with learning from teachers when needed | 85% |
My child feels motivated to learn | 89% |
The teachers are very good at making learning engaging | 87% |
This school provides diverse programs for my child’s interests and abilities | 87% |
The academic standards at this school provide adequate challenge for my child | 85% |
Effective teaching | 86% |
Teachers are enthusiastic and positive about teaching | 96% |
My child can explore their own interests when it is related to their class work | 87% |
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT | % Positive responses |
This school provides opportunities for my child to make decisions and solve problems | 89% |
This school provides opportunities for my child to develop a sense of responsibility | 87% |
Confidence and resiliency skills | 91% |
This school provides my child with opportunities to build their confidence | 96% |
This school encourages my child to persist when learning is difficult | 87% |
STUDENT SAFETY | % Positive responses |
Managing bullying | 91% |
My child feels safe at school | 100% |
Promoting positive behaviour | 94% |
This school has a consistent approach to promoting positive student behaviour | 96% |
Teachers at this school model positive behaviour | 91% |
Respect for diversity | 92% |
The school respects and values my family’s beliefs and wishes | 94% |
This school communicates the importance of respecting all cultural beliefs and practices | 91% |
This school treats my child with respect | 91% |
Student Wellbeing and Support | 91% |
This school cares about my child’s safety | 94% |
This school cares about my child’s wellbeing | 91% |
I understand who at the school I can speak to about my child’s safety and wellbeing | 96% |
This school can arrange wellbeing supports for my child when needed | 85% |
I am aware that the school can connect my family to services that can help me support my child | 89% |
CONNECTION AND PROGRESSION | % Positive responses |
School connectedness | 96% |
My child feels accepted by other students at school | 94% |
My child enjoys the learning they do at school | 98% |
This school gives my child opportunities to participate in school activities | 96% |
Positive transitions | 90% |
My child has been supported this year to adjust to their new year level | 91% |
I feel confident that this school prepares students for the next phase of their life | 89% |
These are excellent results, and we will continue to strive to improve to ensure Camelot Rise Primary School provides the best learning environment for all our students.
Parent Contributions 2025
By the end of November, we will inform the school community of the Parent Payments for 2025. The Department of Education has asked schools to itemise the payments. The cost for Parent Payments is discussed and approved at our Finance and School Council meetings prior to being announced to the school community.
Celebrating ICAS
During weeks 5, 6 and 7 of Term 3, a number of our students from Grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in ICAS testing across 3 curriculum areas, English, Science and Mathematics.
ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) is a historic academic competition that has been sat by over 10 million school students from 16,000 schools across 41 countries since 1981.
It recognises academic performance in similar way sports or the arts, with engaging, fun questions designed by psychometricians, education measurement experts and experienced teachers to test students’ higher-order thinking skills.
ICAS also provides rich insights into students’ strengths and weaknesses, helping teachers to accelerate learning outcomes and unlock student potential.
We are proud of all the students who opted to take part in ICAS this year and want to congratulate each and every participant on their commitment to challenging themselves beyond the classroom.
Thank you to the parents of these students for your support of the program, and the encouragement offered to those taking part.
The ICAS test results for all curriculum areas were finalised and student logins have been provided to parents and students.
ICAS results are measured based on the performance of every participant. Here is a breakdown of how they work:
- High Distinction Certificate– awarded to the top 1% of participants
- Distinction Certificate– awarded to the next 10% of participants
- Credit Certificate– awarded to the next 25% of participants
- Merit Certificate– awarded to the next 10% of participants
- Participation Certificate– awarded to all remaining participants.
Student Name | Class | ICAS ENGLISH result |
Miranda L | Year 6 | High Distinction |
Isaac H | Year 4 | High Distinction |
Alexander Z | Year 4 | High Distinction |
Vivian F | Year 6 | Distinction |
Olivia H | Year 4 | Distinction |
Yat Yat Y | Year 4 | Distinction |
We will share the Mathematics and Science results when we receive them.
Are you leaving CRPS in 2025?
We ask that you let us know if you are moving or have enrolled in another school in 2025. We require this information as soon as possible to establish grade structures for the start of the new school year. If your child is currently in Grades Foundation – 5, and will not be at Camelot Rise in 2025, please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible.
Parent requests for 2025
We are currently planning for 2025 and as part of this process we are determining our class structure and staffing profile to best meet the needs of all students. A great deal of thought, planning and time goes into placing children into classes each year. Every effort is made to place each child in a learning environment that is happy, productive and successful. Class placement is a complex process involving a range of factors and allocations will not be finalised until later in the school year.
We anticipate that we will have eighteen classes in 2025. We continue to increase our student numbers throughout the school. This is testament to the quality of education we provide at Camelot Rise Primary School. This is a combination of the outstanding classroom teaching practices, excellent academic results of our students, the students’ sense of connectedness to the school and their peers, the support of our families and the wonderful reputation we have in the community.
We do not accept requests for placement with individual teachers, however, we do take into consideration relevant information, based on educational needs, which can help us with the placement process, and we try to place students with at least one known friend, if possible.
If parents have any request for their child / children for 2025 we need this to be put in writing or via email, to Matthew Coney, Principal, by 4 pm on Friday, 1st November.
My email address is
Pupil Free Day this Term
Just a reminder of the date for our remaining Pupil Free Days
- Curriculum Day on Monday November 4, 2024. This day will be used for report writing purposes.
This concludes all pupil free days in 2024.
Final assembly for the year
One date that our community look forward to is the final assembly of the year because we farewell our grade six children for their final day of primary school after a 7-year journey.
The date and time for this is Thursday 12th, December commencing at 9.15am.
At the assembly we will listen to the Year 6 graduates sing their farewell song, watch the Year 6 PowerPoint and celebrate the year we have had.
Matthew Coney & Ben Heys