Year 5/6

Level Newsletter

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Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Hello to all of our wonderful Year 5/6 families!


We have officially made it to the end of Term 3! We have all been talking about how fast this year is flying by and that it will be the end of the year before we know it. The students are all very much looking forward to a well-earned break. 


What a busy and exciting term for Year 5/6! This term has been packed with a range of exciting and enriching activities. Our students have:

  • Participated in a hands-on experience during the ThermoFisher Incursion
  • Showed their sporting spirit in the SPS Mini Olympics
  • Engaged daily with our Rainbow Maths Program
  • Explored fractions and decimals in Maths
  • Created imaginative picture storybooks as part of our Writing unit
  • Revised Write2Read codes, learnt new spelling rules, and participated in spelling and decoding lessons along with spelling bootcamp sessions
  • Designed their own Olympic torches
  • Completed two Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO)  challenges
  • Practised regularly for our school production
  • Showcased their basketball skills at Hoop Time
  • Investigated location in Maths, including the Cartesian Plane
  • Enjoyed an immersive camp experience at Sovereign Hill
  • Read and wrote persuasive pieces
  • Worked collaboratively with students across year levels during our Scoresby Superstars sessions
  • Celebrated the magic of reading during Book Week
  • Explored a variety of poetry forms
  • Participated in the Day of AI
  • Performed our school production for families at Rowville Secondary College
  • Competed in Summer Sports
  • Attended the PrimeSci Incursion, where we learned about the digestive system
  • Revised our understanding of factors in Maths
  • Experienced a taste of life at secondary school with our Year 5 students visiting Scoresby Secondary College for their 'Day of Discovery'
  • Enjoyed time with our Buddies
  • Investigated world leaders and their impact

What a fantastic term of learning and fun!


On the holidays…


Miss Whittington: During the holidays, Giordan and I will be spending the first week together. We've planned some special day trips, including a visit to his holiday house at Safety Beach. We're also taking a short getaway to the countryside for a night! In addition to that, I'll be doing some work around the house, catching up with friends, and enjoying a relaxing spa treatment at Endota.


Miss Harper: Over this school holidays I am very excited for a relaxing break! We’re planning on house-sitting at my auntie’s in Drysdale for a few nights, which will include a trip to the 12 Apostles down Great Ocean Road - very keen to get some nice photos there! We will also head up to Kyabram to spend some time with family, chill and enjoy the country weather. 


Mrs Spelman: I’m looking forward to a relaxing break after a very busy term! We are planning to do the usual day trips to the Melbourne Zoo and the Melbourne Museum. The Melbourne Show is also on our plans, if the weather is nice, along with a few winery lunches!


Julie: I finished the term last week and am spending my break in Mt Isa, visiting my son. I'm really looking forward to spending time with him and seeing our dog, Mollie! We plan to help him move house, explore neighbouring towns, go away for a weekend, and take Mollie on lots of walks!


Donna: I am hoping for a nice, quiet break with a number of jobs around the house I am planning to get done - one of them getting out into the garden to plant some veggies. I also plan to do some longer drives with my son who is on his L plates. I hope everyone has a nice relaxing break.


Alison: I am looking forward to spending a relaxing week in Castlemaine, in country Victoria. I will also be catching up with friends and family, doing lots of reading, hopefully completing some knitting projects, and getting some spring cleaning done.


Sam: During the school holidays, I plan on having a much-needed rest before a very busy Term 4. Our dog, Maizie, is having her second knee surgery, which means we must stay home to take care of her. We will probably go to the movies, catch up with friends and have a good spring clean! We have a whole heap of toys and books to get organised to sell at the Market Day the PFA has organised. My son’s fiancé is hosting her Kitchen Tea, which will be a nice chance to meet some of her extended family. We will also be counting down the days until their wedding, which is very exciting.


Josh: These holidays I plan to catch up with some family down from Queensland. I also plan to catch up with some friends as well. I will also spend some time relaxing, playing some video games and going to the movies.


Raelene: I am looking forward to catching up with friends and enjoying some delicious lunches. I have also promised the grandkids to take them to the city to visit ACMI. Hoping for a fair bit of relaxation too!


We hope you all have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing all of the students back at school on Monday 7th October!


- Jordyn, Sarah and Tracy



What We Are Learning



Moving Into The Teen Years (MITTY) Incursion: Jump onto Compass to approve consent and complete payment for their child to attend the 3-day MITTY events. 


Uniform: Next term hats are back! Students will need to be wearing hats outside as no hat means no play. Without a hat students will be restricted to undercover areas or the library. We also want to make a friendly reminder that our green school uniform must be worn by students at school. Casual jumpers and tracksuit pants are not considered to be a part of the Scoresby school uniform. 



Graduation Parent Committee

Graduation season is officially upon us, and it's time to start planning this special event for our Year 6 students! On Thursday 10th October, I will be hosting our first Year 6 Graduation Parent Committee Meeting via WebEx. All Year 6 parents are welcome to join as we begin forming a committee to help organise and decorate the hall for Graduation. I’ll send a Compass post with my WebEx link early next term. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.


Jordyn Whittington

Year 6 Graduation Coordinator


Try This...


Summer Sport


On Wednesday 11th of September, a group of Year 5/6s, Miss Whittington and Julie went to Boronia K-12 to play volleyball for our second day of Summer Sport. There were 2 teams, a boys team and a girls team. The boys' team won 3 games and the girls' team won 2 games. It was very thrilling to see who would win or lose, and who would make it into the finals. The girls' team finished in 6th place and the boys' team finished in 5th place. Everyone had a fantastic, fun, and competitive time at volleyball. The perfect way to end Summer Sport for 2024!

By Keely, Delilah and Milla



On Wednesday 11th of September, our 5/6 tennis teams went to Mountain Gate Tennis Club for their 2nd day of Summer Sports 2024. The boys won all of their 1st round games against St Judes, and lost their 2nd round of games to Holy Trinity. However, they won their 3rd round of games against St Judes in the finals. For the girls, they played against St Judes and Scoresby won! Holy Trinity won against Scoresby in the second round but were victorious in their finals match! Overall, we had an awesome time at Tennis Summer Sports and made a lot of friends with other schools. Go Scoresby!

By Jake, Bella and Jaxon



On Tuesday the 3rd of September, all of the Year 5/6 students took part in various summer sports. My teammates and I were assigned to softball, and our first game was against Knox Park. Although Knox Park came out on top, everyone gave it their all and played with great effort. Throughout the day, we only managed to win one game out of eight, but it wasn't about the scores - it was all about having fun with friends and enjoying the experience of trying different sports. A memorable moment was when Harlan made it to home base, and the whole team erupted in cheers to celebrate his achievement.

 By Bodhi and Harlan



On Wednesday 11th of September, all of the Year 5/6s participated in our second round of Summer Sport. All of our teachers instructed us to arrive at school at 8.40am, so that there was enough time to get changed before leaving school. Then we all boarded the bus. Volleyball went on a bus with tennis, and softball and cricket went on the same bus. Once we had made it to Lewis Park, the girls' team made their way to Oval 5 for some practice whilst we waited for our first game, since we had a bye. Then we went up against Bayswater West Primary School. Once we played a long 50-minute game, we sadly lost. After that game we had a 20-minute break before our next game. Then, when we played, we went against Knox Park and, unfortunately, lost again. The boys' team played well, but unfortunately didn’t win any games. All of us had a lot of fun and showed improvement in our cricket skills!

By Emily and Alisha


PrimeSci Incursion

On September 9th, the 5/6 level attended a science incursion about the digestive system. Each class separately met up with Caitlin from PrimeSci in the Science Room. She described the components of our digestive system and then taught us about how our digestive system works, and the steps food goes through to get into our stomachs. The food doesn't just fall into our stomachs, it goes through the oesophagus, getting pushed down by the muscles, then finally going into our stomachs. At the end of the lesson we got to hold/touch real organs (from pigs). All around, we all had an amazing time, while learning a lot.

By Jayden and Tommy


Year 5 Day Of Discovery At Scoresby Secondary College

On Tuesday the 17th of September, all of the Year 5 students went on an excursion to Scoresby Secondary College. When we arrived, we put our bags down and were introduced to Mr Dempsey and the Acting Principal, Mr Youssef. After that we got separated into 2 groups to begin our activities for the day. In Science, we looked at optical illusions and then we had to do an experiment with cups and cold and warm water to see how our body reacts to heat. We also tried to make a tower out of cups and the tallest tower won. In Design and Technology we made plastic keychains. We needed to first cut out shapes with little hand saws, then Mr T put them on a sanding machine to clean up the shape. We needed to smooth out the edges of the shape with sandpaper and a buffer machine. Lastly, Mr T drilled a hole so we could put in a ring holder. For lunch, Scoresby Secondary College were kind enough to provide a sausage sizzle lunch. After lunch the last activity was Food Technology. Mrs Smith spoke to us about the rules of the kitchen and food safety before we could make our mini pizzas. Once we had cooked our pizzas, we completed an evaluation sheet and decided where we could improve for next time. The day was fun and epic.

By Shianne and Jaxx


Year 6s Day At School

On the 17th of September, the Year 5s went to Scoresby Secondary College for the day, leaving the Year 6s back at school where we designed our own theme parks.


We started by budgeting our theme parks. We had a budget of five million dollars and had to include rides, amenities, entry fees, and work out how much money we had spent. After we did our budgeting for the theme parks, we mapped them out using a bird's eye view perspective. We had a key to show which rides were which and where different amenities were.


We had to figure out how much to charge customers, and the profits we were making from them. We also had to use maths to find out how much money we were spending and earning per week. We created advertisements for our theme parks before using the iPads and computers to create our theme parks in 3D. We used a website called Ico-Gram Designer and made sure to include everything we drew in our rough sketch. 


At the end of the day we soaked up the sun and played games outside while we waited for the Year 5s to come back to school.

By Charlotte and Leila