Year 1/2

Level Newsletter

Teacher Email Address Contacts


Upcoming Important Dates


From The Team

Our Level 1 and 2 students wowed us at this year’s F-2 Poetry Slam on Thursday! With bright smiles and a lot of bravery, our youngest poets took to the stage to read some of their favourite poems. In the lead up to this big event, the students had been busy practising reading aloud with fluency and expression. They recorded themselves on iPads, and read their poems to small groups of students in their class in order to build their skills and confidence. They listened to feedback from their peers and respectfully passed on their own advice to others. It was wonderful to hear them support and encourage each other. A big thank you to the families who were able to join us for the morning. Please enjoy some photos below.


We wish all our families a safe and restful break over the school holidays.


- Kellie Symons, Kate Fox and Hannah Flintoff



What We Are Learning



  • Communication Folders: Please remember to bring these to and from school each day.
  • Reading Logs: Record your child’s nightly reading.
  • Red Folders: Regularly practise reading or spelling their high frequency words.
  • Aquarium Excursion: Permission and payment is now due on Compass.


Try This...

Over the holidays, choose a recipe to make with a family member. It’s a great way to practise the skills of measuring capacities and weighing ingredients, like we have been learning about over the last few weeks. 


Try the one below…


F-2 Poetry Slam


Hands-on Maths (Capacity and Mass)

Over the past 2 weeks we have been doing lots of hands-on Maths. We have used rice and cups to measure and compare the capacity of different containers. We used balance to compare and measure the mass of different items in our classroom.


Hour Of Code

This week we completed an Hour of Code lead by our school DigiTech Leaders. They taught us how to use Rodocodo. It was great fun.