Farm Biosecurity

We have had an increase in the number of staff and students going on overseas holidays. Please be aware of the College Biosecurity Policy and contact the school if you are planning to travel overseas or have recently returned from overseas. This allows us to plan for your return and reallocate you do a different area, so you do not enter the farm.
Students and staff that have had contact with other pigs also need to adhere to our biosecurity plan which states exclusion from our piggery for 48 hours (2 nights).
Here is a brief overview of our policy below:
Travelling overseas - cannot enter the College Farm Area for at least 7 days after returning to Australia or have direct contact with livestock/piggery Technical Officers.
Having contact with other pigs- cannot enter the piggery for 48 hours after contact with other domestic pigs, entering other piggeries or contact with feral pigs.
Cold and flu - cannot enter the piggery with bad colds or flus, as these can transfer to our animals.
If students or staff are returning from overseas and are still within the 7-day exclusion/quarantine period, they must restrict their movements to the thin Red Zone around the College buildings (Admin, Boarding and Trades). This is to protect our animals from exotic diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease and African Swine Fever.
Please refer to the map below to show the exclusion/access areas-