Farm - Royal Show

Royal Show - Piggery
Nine days at the Royal Show over the school holidays was a lot of fun! Both the students and the pigs proudly represented the College. Our best pig “Nikki” scored 86/100 to place 3rd and the students were commended on their willingness to help others all week in the pig shed. Some students got media attention with Channel 7 publishing a news story and the ABC doing radio interviews which was very exciting.
Back at the College, the breeding pigs are currently transitioning to a 4-week batch system rather than a 2-week which has many benefits to the production system including more opportunity for student learning. It will be very busy for the next 12 weeks as this transition settles in.
Over the school holidays we had impressive performances in the farrowing house with 3 young sows and a gilt farrowing 53 live piglets collectively! Our sprinkler systems and aircons have been serviced in preparation for the hot months ahead.
Jemma Read
Piggery Manager
Royal Show - Sheep, Wool and Farm Skills
The end of term 3 means, the Royal show!
Farm Skills
Two teams of students took part in the Farm skills competition on the last Thursday of Term 3. The teams placed 2nd and 3rd, showing great teamwork and ethics which made everyone proud.
Our wool was judged before the opening of the Royal Show, results -
Super Fine Wool Ram - 1st and 2nd
Fine Wool Ram - 1st
Ultra Fine Wool Ewe or Wether - 3rd
Super Fine Wool Ewe or Wether - 1st
Fine Wool Ewe or Wether - 1st
Fine Wool Ewe or Wether (2 fleeces) - 1st
Reserve Champion Farmers Ram Fleece
On the first Saturday of the Show, students took part in the Shearing and Wool Handling competitions -
Novice Shearing results - 2nd Kayla De Villiers and 5th Cooper McCuish.
Encouragement Award for the Novice Shearer - Kayla De Villiers
Encouragement Award for the Novice Woolhandler - Elsie Cardew
Monday, students competed in the wether challenge and merino junior judging competition gaining valuable experience.
On Tuesday, we brought our best Poll Dorset's to the show to be judged on Thursday. Students displayed their great work ethic, helping in all aspects during the show, from looking after the sheep to holding them during judging and helping other farmers which broadening their knowledge and provided valuable networking opportunities.
Our Poll Dorset's compared well with other bigger breeding studs, results -
Ewe over 1.5 years - 2nd
Friday, students competed in the meat sheep junior judging which gave the students valuable insights and knowledge.
Royal Show Ag College Competition
On the Tuesday, 6 students from 4 different Ag Colleges competed against each other in Shearing, Wool Handling and Junior Judging. Our students took home 1st Shearing, 1st Wool Handling and 3rd for Judging, giving us the win for the overall competition.
Marika Martini
Farm Technical Officer