From The Principal

Class Allocations 2025
In the coming weeks staff will begin working towards the allocation of students to specific class groupings for 2025. This will be completed before our Move-Up Morning which will be held on Monday in the last week of school.
As a staff team, we feel the trust of the parent community and are confident that our class allocation process is thorough and respectful of student needs. Thank you! However, we also recognise that for some families, the allocation process creates high levels of anxiety.
We ask that you continue to strengthen the partnership between school and home by sharing any information that you believe the school is not aware of that may impact the placement of your child(ren). Please refrain from requesting a specific teacher for your child(ren) or specific friendship groupings. The reason for this is simply that the broad range of factors we consider for each child, makes for an already detailed and complex process. We are simply unable to meet such individual requests, broadly and equitably.
The following I hope will provide some insight into the process.
- Children who are in Years 1, 3 and 5 will remain with their current year level peers.
- The Foundation children (Stage1) will be split across the 5 different Stage 2 classes.
- Children moving up from ELC will be moved into 3 Stage 1 classes.
- The voice of the children is gathered regarding who they work well with in class.
- Teachers consider the academic and social needs of the students.
- Balance of gender and language background are considered.
Please remember that as staff go through this process, all stage teachers, learning enrichment teachers, and leadership team all work at balancing the needs of each learner and the overall learning community. We celebrate the strengths, opportunities, and positives during this process.
New information that needs to be shared should be directed to me (E: in writing, by Monday 28th October.
Many thanks for your understanding and support of our process.
Evie Stevens