Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Kellie Stewart
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
Have a great break.....
After a tremendously busy term, where there were heaps of successes and events, I hope that everyone has a relaxing and re-invigorating break. If you are travelling - be safe. If you are staying home - sleep in and enjoy the relaxation.
Thanks to all the wonderful teachers for their efforts and dedication this term - they also deserve a relaxing break. Good luck to those staff participating in the Teachers Games next week.
Parent Opinion Survey - extended
Thank you to the 68 families that completed the Parent Opinion Survey.
We greatly value the input and opinions of parents about the school, whether positive or critical. This is the best way we can learn, improve and make changes for the benefit of your children.
The TeamKids Program for the two weeks is vibrant and full of exciting things to do. If you need a day to yourself of have other commitments during the holidays, why not consider letting TeamKids do the entertaining!!
Communications Strategy
Thanks to the teachers, School Council and parents that contributed to the revision of our process around communication. I hope to have this document finished and distributed to the community by the middle of next term.
Are you Leaving??
At this time of the year there are always some families that are looking at alternative schooling, working and living arrangements. For whatever reason, if you are leaving the school please let us know ASAP. We always have high interest from people wanting into our school, so the sooner we know of any departures the sooner we can offer spots for 2025.
Start dates for the 2025 year
Please keep an eye out for notices about start dates for 2025. We are looking at these now and hope to have School Council ratify shortly.
Kevin Oakey
Sunsmart – Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!
A reminder in Term 4 we enact our Sunsmart Policy. Students must wear an approved broad rimmed or legionnaires hat when participating in all outside activities. This includes during recess and lunchtime as well as during PE lessons, on camps and excursions. Please discuss the importance of adhering to the Sunsmart policy with your child. Any student who does not have the correct sun protection will need to stay in the shade during these times. Classrooms are supplied with sunscreen and some families like to provide their child/ren with their own personal sunscreen. Teaching staff will encourage and remind students to apply. Parents and other adults within our school community are encouraged to model sun protection. The Cancer Council reminds Australians to protect themselves in 5 ways – Slip on clothing, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade were possible and slide sunglasses on. For more information Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, Slide | Cancer Council
School Holidays - disconnect from devices
The upcoming September holidays are here and the lovely warm weather provides the opportunity to switch off devices and connect with others, the environment and self. Here are some ideas you might like to consider for the holidays which encourage health and general wellbeing. The more playful you can make the activity the more fun everyone will have!
- Bush walk – there are some amazing tracks right here in Jells Park. You might like to invite some friends and head to Jells Park for a play, a bush walk or a picnic. For those who would like to explore a little wider the Parks Victoria website has some great ideas for outdoor adventure. Healthy Parks Healthy People
- Board games tournament – choose a couple of favourite board games and have a family tournament, create a points system (your child might like to be in charge of this!) and see who is the family champion. Your child might like to create certificates and use recycled objects or air drying clay to make a trophy or medal for the overall winner. Invite Grandparents or relatives to be involved!
- Treasure hunt – create clues for family members/friends to follow and hide little treats around the garden/house/park for them to find. Ensure each clue is numbered and hide each clue in a strategic location. Clues could be coloured coded or with riddles to solve.
- Exercise boosts mood and mental health – make it fun! Go for a walk or a bike ride in an area you don’t normally go. You or your child draw a map and follow the map around the streets. Use dice to determine the route. The first roll determines the steps/metres moved.
- Get creative in the kitchen. Help your child to design a meal for the family, allow them to make place cards, invitations, and set the table. Help your child to shop, prepare, cook and serve the meal just like a real restaurant.
- Take off your shoes and socks. Children’s brains are developed via sensory stimulation and bare feet increases the quantity and quality of sensory input through the soles of the feet. Play on the grass, in the sand pit, on some (smooth) stones, in shallow water, let your imagination pave the way.
Have a wonderful holiday break!
Kellie Stewart
Assistant Principal