Level 3 – Colours and Fruit
Level 3 students have continued with the topic of colours and have been learning names of various fruits in Chinese. Through the interactive whiteboard, we matched colour and fruit vocabulary in both Chinese and English, enhancing our language learning experience. A highlight of the lessons has been the fun and energetic song “I Love Juice” where we sing and dance our way through different colours and fruits, reinforcing vocabulary in an engaging way.
Level 4 – Sports
Level 4 students have been diving into the topic of sports in Chinese. As part of their learning, they drew their favourite sports and incorporated the sentence “wǒ xǐ huān... 我喜欢...” (I like...) to express their personal preferences. This creative activity helped students practise the sentence structure and allowed them to connect language learning with their own interests. We also had fun playing Jian Zi (Chinese shuttlecock). A traditional Chinese sport where players use their feet, knees, and other parts of their body (except hands) to keep a weighted shuttlecock in the air for as long as possible.
Level 5 - Community
In this term, Level 5 students have continued their exploration of the topic "My Community" in Chinese. They have been practising basic conversational skills, including how to ask “nǐ qù nǎ lǐ? 你去哪里?” (Where do you go?), and respond with “wǒ qù… 我去…” (I go to…). Additionally, students have been learning how to use the sentence structure “xīng qī yī wǒ qù gōng yuán. 星期一我去公园。” (On Monday, I go to the park), further building their confidence in everyday conversations.
Level 6 – Food and Dining out
Level 6 students have been deepening their knowledge of food and drinks in LOTE this term. One activity involved students providing descriptive clues about various foods and drinks, challenging our classmates to guess the food or drink which best matched the descriptions. This interactive and collaborative exercise reinforced the topic’s key vocabulary. We have also explored Chinese dining etiquette and learned key tips for using chopsticks. To enhance our skills, we engaged in various hands-on challenges, allowing us to practise and refine our chopstick handling techniques.
Miss Choi
JPPS Languages