Learning and Teaching

Dear LPS families and friends,
Welcome Back to Term 4, 2024.
Welcome back to the final term of what has been a fantastic year! Term 4 is always a special time, full of energy, excitement, and a flurry of activity. As we settle into the last stretch of 2024, there’s so much to look forward to—end-of-year celebrations, exciting events, and a strong focus on student growth and achievements. This term also marks a time when we begin to look ahead and plan for the year to come, ensuring we're ready for a successful start to 2025.
Amongst the fun and festivities, learning remains at the heart of everything we do, not just for our students but for our staff too. Our commitment to continuous improvement through professional learning is stronger than ever. Many of our teachers will be diving into professional learning that helps refine and enhance their teaching practices.
I’d also like to highlight an important article co-authored by one of our own staff members, Zahra Harvey, titled "4 Universal Principles for Effective Teacher PD." This insightful piece outlines key strategies for ensuring that professional development is meaningful, impactful, and directly linked to student outcomes. We are incredibly proud to have Zahra contribute to such important research, and we continue to implement these principles as we continue to learn and grow together.
We've had some exciting learning experiences this week!
This term, our Inquiry learning focuses on Sustainability. Our Curious Corner has been set up for students to explore and learn about sustainability on land, in the oceans, and across different waterways. Students are eager to engage with this space throughout the term.
Our Grade 1 students are diving into a unit called Taking Care of the Earth. You may have heard that their wonderful teachers are even taking on the role of "Earth" during these sessions, making the learning experience both fun and immersive.
In STEM, our Grade 6 students have begun working on their billy carts. They’ve successfully completed Stage 1 of the project and, with the support of Mr. Wight and Mrs. Chamberlain, have learned how to safely use a drill to assemble the carts. Exciting progress ahead!
Term 4 is sure to be a whirlwind of exciting learning experiences, both in and out of the classroom. Let's make the most of this term, celebrate our achievements, and enjoy everything this term has to offer!
Kristine Roose \ Assistant Principal, Learning & Teaching