From the Principal

Dear LPS Families and Friends,
I'd like to welcome everyone back, I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I had a busy holidays with my parents visiting from Tasmania, a child's 21st birthday and a trip to the Victorian Teacher's Games.
I have always loved sports and the Teacher's Games is a great chance to play some sport whilst enjoying time with our team of staff away from school. This year the games were in Traralgon and we had 9 staff attend. We were also joined by some old friends such as Mr Inglis, who moved to a new school at the end of 2024. We had a fantastic time and you will be pleased to know that our teachers showed their Pegasus Spirit, competing hard but always with respect, kindness and integrity. We certainly enjoyed ourselves and also came back with a bag of medals!
The end of year will be on us before we know it and planning for 2025 is underway. If there is anyone who has not yet enrolled, or knows someone who hasn’t, please encourage them to do so immediately. Likewise, if for any reason you are not returning to LPS in 2025, please advise the office in writing ASAP.
Teachers will soon be starting the long and considered process of creating grades for 2025. Each year, we receive a small number of requests from parents reminding or informing us of concerns about their child’s social, emotional or academic requirements that need to be considered in their class placement. If you believe you have information about your child related to these issues that need to be considered for class placement for 2024, and you think your child’s teacher is not aware of it, please put the information in writing to me via the school email or drop it off at the office by Friday 10th November. Requests for specific teachers will not be considered.
Parents should know that teachers from the current year work together to carefully place students in their future classes. Classroom teachers are best placed to do this, as they see your children every day in the class and whole school setting and get to know them and their learning and social needs better than anyone else in school. As we did last year, we have decided to let parents know the date that students are completing friendship requests, so that families may discuss this at home prior. Students will complete their friendship choices on Tuesday 12/11. If your child is absent on this day, their teacher will get their choices when they return.
In the past we have received requests for children to not be placed with other children. These requests are considered on a yearly basis, meaning that a request in prep can not be considered for the entirety of a child's schooling. Please also be advised that the requests need to specifically relate to your child, not a general concern.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Adam Wight \ Principal