News & Information

Welcome to Term 4!
We are thrilled to welcome all our families back for Term 4! We hope and pray that this final term of 2024 will be filled with blessings, growth, and joy for everyone.
Our Year 3 and 4 students had a fantastic start to the term as we had the privilege of hosting the amazing Walt Hampton!
Walt, a retired music educator and now a dedicated church pastor, served as the keynote speaker at the ASME Tasmania (Australian Society of Music Educators) conference held at our school last week.
Our Year 3 and 4 students had an incredible time learning one of Walt’s own compositions! It was a day filled with creativity and inspiration, setting a beautiful tone for the weeks ahead.
Let’s make this term a memorable one, full of learning and community spirit!
First Fleet Day
Last term, our Year 4 students finished with an open classroom exhibition of their work on the First Fleet and early settlement of Australia. Parents were invited to wander through the classrooms and view model ships and 'Wanted' posters, watch students' slideshow presentations and admire their fabulous costumes.
Students were encouraged to dress as someone who sailed to Australia on one of the first ships; a convict, an early settler, a captain, a sailor or anyone else from the era. Using the online First Fleet Convict Database, they were able to step into the character of these people from long ago and grasp a sense of who they were.
Sister Act
Bonnie and Chloe Myers (Years 5 and 4) were selected to represent Tasmania at the National Youth Championships for Touch Football in Coffs Harbour last month. They both played in the Girls' Under 12 team.
Bravo girls! What a fabulous experience to share.
Fighting Fires
Eli Farnell (Year 6) recently competed at the NW Regionals competition with the Longford Fire Brigade. He did an awesome job and out of the six events his team entered, they won three medals. In the Under 10 kids relay team race, Eli's younger brother Remi (Year 3) stepped up to the mark with most of the Longford juniors cheering him on. They worked so well as a team, especially with no time to get to know each other, and were very proud of their second-place medals. Congratulations boys!
Teacher Learning
It was a real treat to welcome CEN Director of Professional Learning Sam Burrows to discuss with LCS staff how to engage youth with the Gospel in our current culture. Sam, who is also a lecturer for The National Institute for Christian Education, presented on the topic: My Christian School Within a New Search For Meaning.
There was so much value to his talk, and many of us were digesting it for days afterwards, but some poignant points included:
- Sam believes we're in a meta modernism moment, beyond modernism and post-modernism, where there is no big-T truth.
- Young people are searching for a coherent story, and Christianity offers that.
- Sadly, church attendance is declining, so Christian education offers a space for faith exploration.
- There are tensions everywhere (individualism vs. national and cultural identity, for example). Even the Bible has tension (grace vs. justice for example)!
- As Christian educators, our job is to help navigate the tensions so that young people develop the skills to do so well in their adult lives.
We are grateful for the insights, challenges and learnings Sam brought, and we look forward to seeing him again when he speaks at our state conference next year.
These delectable sweets had a very important purpose for Year 11 and 12 students, as described by our German teacher Miss Sparrow:
"In second semester we studied the topic of 'Life Before and After the Reunification of Germany'. We watched the film Goodbye Lenin and learned a bit about daily life in the former German Democratic Republic, for example, that there were many less choices for products in the East. However, all Germans still enjoyed coffee and cake in the afternoon! To finish off, therefore, we held our own 'Coffee Chat', where the students selected, translated and baked typical East and West German recipes."
Employment Opportunities
Our school is growing! We have a number of teaching positions currently open for next year:
Primary Teachers
Part Time and Full Time Positions, including:
-> Specialist Teacher (Health/STEM)
Secondary Teachers
Part Time and Full Time Positions in all subject areas, including:
-> Drama Teacher
-> Year 7 Core Teacher
Short-Term LSL Cover Contract Positions
Relief Teaching Staff
Visit our website for more information and to submit your application.
Important Reminder: Parking @ Windsor Oval in Term 4
We are incredibly grateful to the council for generously providing us with parking at Windsor Oval, ensuring our community has convenient access to LCS. However, Windsor Park Precinct is resurfacing the football oval, which will impact drop-off and pick-up throughout Term 4.
Temporary Parking Update:
- Parents can now drop off and pick up on the cricket club room side of the oval (previously no-parking).
- The usual parking area will be closed.
The left-hand (west) side of the oval will be inaccessible, please use the right-hand (east) side of the oval for pick up / drop off.
We ask all families to follow this plan during the renovations.
If it is convenient for you, please consider parking on the highway or at Riverbank.
Important note: During Term 4 there will be times when the oval is completely inaccessible, and we will communicate these dates in advance with alternate parking instructions. Please take careful note of any correspondence from us regarding parking this term.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Outside School Hours Care - LCS Campus
In partnership with Hope Discovery, we are delighted to offer Launceston Christian School families after school care in 2024.
We understand the pressures and demands families face as they schedule work commitments around schooling.
Hope Discovery is taking enrolments to host after school hours care on LCS premises now, and sessions are available for 3.15-6pm, for LCS students aged 4-12. Contact or call 03 6343 4614 for information about pricing and to enrol students. Details in the attached flier.
Uniform Shop
Please note that there will be a change of hours for Term 4:
Monday to Friday
8:30 am - 9:30 am
Afternoons by appointment only
Please note: The Uniform Shop will close from Friday 29th of November due to stocktake and moving.
School holidays by appointment only
If you have any enquiries regarding uniforms or need to make an appointment, please get in touch with our Uniform Coordinator: Anne Rixon, at 0400573902
LCS Volunteer Application Form
At LCS, we believe in the importance of fostering a positive, supportive community. We believe that parents and community members are essential partners in achieving this goal, and we would like to invite you to consider volunteering at LCS. We welcome your involvement if you have a specific skill or talent to share or simply want to lend a helping hand.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form below and return it to the Office/email it to together with the required documentation.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you.