Principal Message

Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready
Dear Parents
I’m sure you have noticed the progress on our portable, hopefully it will be completed by the end of term . I had a great meeting this week with one of the hopeful providers for before and after-school care. We are all getting very excited about being able to offer this service starting in 2025. We will be holding an information session for interested families very soon. We are getting very close to the end of the year and everyone is getting very tired and also excited.
We still need everyone to remember that we have a lovely uniform and we should be wearing it correctly.
Our uniform is available for purchase from the school.
- Summer uniform to be worn during Terms 1 and 4.
- Winter uniform to be worn during Terms 2 and 3.
- Sports uniform to be worn on Phys Ed day or when requested.
- Footwear should be appropriate for school and the activities timetabled on that day.
- Sandals if worn must be black with covered toes.
- Socks or tights are to be worn at all times.
- Shoulder length hair, or longer, needs to be tied back neatly.
- School hats with school logo are compulsory during terms 1 and 4. Caps are not permitted.
- OLSS school bag
- Make up or jewellery (with the exception of a small religious symbol or studs/sleepers) is not a part of the school uniform.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled.
● OLSS check dress OR Navy shorts/pants and polo top
● Wool jumper
● White or navy socks
● OLSS Bucket hat
● Black shoes with no visible logos
● Sport polo
● Navy micromesh sport shorts
● Navy tracksuit pants
● Rugby jumper
● Sneakers
Keep Smiling