Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,


School Saving Bonus.

The Victorian Government is delivering the School Saving Bonus – a one-off $400 support for government school students from Prep to Year 12 in 2025.

From Tuesday 26 November 2024, you will receive an email from the Department of Education with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code.

The School Saving Bonus will help families cover the cost of uniforms, textbooks, excursions, activities and more.

If you have multiple children enrolled in Victorian government schools for 2025, you will receive one School Saving Bonus code email per child. These emails might arrive on different days. Please make sure to check your spam/junk email folder.

Parents and carers can use the School Saving Bonus code in store at school-nominated suppliers. Parents and carers can also choose to access the School Saving Bonus online system, where they can allocate part or all the $400 bonus to use at school nominated-online suppliers or for school activities.  To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, visit School Saving Bonus | vic.gov.au (www.vic.gov.au). A step-by-step user guide will be available on the webpage on 26 November.  

If you have not received your School Saving Bonus code via email by Friday 29 November, please contact the Department of Education by emailing school.saving.bonus@education.vic.gov.au 


Wellbeing Leader.

I am very excited to announce that next year Nicole Lowe will be our Wellbeing coordinator. This new position will strengthen and expand our current student wellbeing team. Cate Burns, our Student Wellbeing officer will continue in her role of directly supporting students and families. Nicole's role will encompass Disability Inclusion and implementing the Department's whole school proactive approach to Mental Health. All of this also means that next year Nicole will not be a classroom teacher, however, she will be working across all our classrooms and supporting staff to implement evidence based practices.


Thursday 5 December- Choir performance, Working BEE and BBQ!

Save the date because on Thursday afternoon, 5th of December, you will want to be here to hear our wonderful choir sing, to help at the working bee and celebrate the end of the year at the BBQ afterwards. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon.


Obstacle course/Colour run!

I cannot thank our Parents & Friends group enough for all the support they have given us this year, and the wonderful activities they are organising for all of our students. ALL of us benefit from this fabulous group of people who give up their time to plan and run discos, fundraisers, lunch orders and, for the last day of school an Obstacle course/colour run!!!!!

It is going to be such a fun way for our students to finish up the year.


Our Parents & Friends group need your help to keep going though, we can't keep relying on the same people all the time to organise and run these activities. If you would like to help, even if it is in a small way, please contact Jo Fifer joeyfifer@gmail.com  and let her know you would love to help.


Have a great weekend everyone.

warm regards,





School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.