Student Awards

Learning Power Award Recipients
Congratulations to students who have been recognised by staff for their demonstration of one or many of the 6 Learning Powers celebrated at SMDP.
- Collaboration
- Curiosity
- Creativity
- Reflection
- Motivation
- Resilience
On Monday during our whole school assembly, the following students were acknowledged and their learning described so we all know why they are worthy recipients of our awards and applause.
We send out a big virtual clap to the following students.
Week 6 | ||
PA | Gabriel | For your creativity during free write Friday! Your illustrations are incredibly detailed and help to tell a captivating story. You consistently set a great example of a great writer who takes their time to sound out words when spelling and by using capital letters and full stops. Well done Gabriel! |
PN | Diya | For working hard to become a more reflective learner who understands that being finished first does not always mean winning. As a reflective learner, she is taking time to think about feedback and goes back to apply it to her work before packing away. Well done Diya, your effort is admirable. |
1/2C | Akira | For always being a reflective and collaborative learner. You consistently listen to feedback and apply it straight away to improve your work, especially during literacy and mathematics. Your patience and kindness shine, particularly during turn-taking activities, and you work so well with everyone around you. Keep up the fantastic work, Akira—you’re a true example of how reflection and teamwork make learning fun! |
1/2S | Ila
| For being a kind and collaborative learner who always has a big, beautiful smile on her face. Ila is always looking for ways to help and support her friends and teachers. Your patience and caring nature helps make our classroom a safe and happy place to learn. Thank you, Ila! |
1/2A | Rey | For being a reflective learner, not only this past week but this whole term! You have put your head down and focussed on your learning. You showed us how far you have come and how much you have abs/orbed and produced a fabulous story about a flood. Of course, you added some Maths throughout the story which was done in a very creative way. Well done Rey! |
3/4L | Reyaan
| For being a reflective learner in all lessons, by taking on feedback, staying motivated and having a consistently positive attitude towards his learning. Well done Reyaan for reflecting on your learning and being committed to working well! |
3/4O | Leah | For being a collaborative learner who works well with others and invests in her learning. Leah is always looking for ways to help support her friends, while being motivated to complete her own tasks. We are so lucky to have you in 3/4O! Great work Leah. |
3/4S | Lasya | Lasya has shown great curiosity in her learning, especially through her questions about how the Titanic sank. Her interest in exploring new ideas is clear. Keep it up, Lasya! |
5/6N | Utkarsh | For being a motivated learner, who was a joy to watch at the Ceres excursion. Your enthusiasm for dance was infectious, and you truly engaged yourself in Indian culture. It was wonderful to see you having so much fun, Utkarsh. |
5/6K | Akshay, Tanish and Lucas | For being creative and collaborative learners during our CERES excursion. You worked together to share your knowledge of Bollywood dance with the class, performing for us and helping us learn some new dance moves! Thank you for always embracing each opportunity and ensuring everyone enjoys themselves. |
5/6S | Ronny | For being a curious learner who is always keen to explore new experiences and ideas. You are eager to find out more about different topics and share your own experiences. You are invested in your learning and approach it in a very positive manner. An example of this was the way you participated in the activities on our excursion to Ceres. Keep it up Ronny! |
Week 7 | ||
PA | Ruby | For showing collaboration during our Buddies session on Friday. You always show enthusiasm in your interactions with your buddy Ojus by using kind words and creativity when writing about fun things you did together this year. Well done Ruby! |
PN | Suveer | For being a motivated learner who consistently engages in all learning tasks. You show understanding of mathematical concepts and approach problems with creativity and critical thinking, that inspires others to try harder. You showed enjoyment during our Wild Action incursion when you bravely came forward to hold the crocodile. May your passion for all learning continue to grow and lead you to new heights! |
1/2C | Steele | For showing incredible motivation towards your learning, especially in writing. Your determination and focus have been inspiring to see, as you come into class ready to tackle challenges and have been really working on showing a positive attitude. The effort you’ve put into your work has been brilliant to see — and this week you have given 100%, striving to improve and reach your goals. It has been a joy to watch you grow in your motivation and focus. Keep up the amazing work, Steele. |
1/2S | Nash | For demonstrating resilience in your learning journey this Semester! You showed determination as you increased your engagement in learning tasks. Your willingness to invest time and effort, even when faced with new challenges, reflects your growing confidence and positive attitude towards learning. Nash even had other teachers complimenting him on his improved effort at school. Well done Nash, we are very proud of you! |
1/2A | Rithvik | For being a curious learner. You have settled into SMDP and have been curious to learn all our routines and our WOWs. You are keen to learn and play and make new friends all with a big smile on your face. Well done Rithvik! Keep up your positive attitude. |
3/4O | Josh | For being a resilient learner during Writing last week! You thought about how you could improve your writing and worked hard to write your explanation text about how humans grow. Keep it up, Josh! |
3/4S | Kashvi | Kashvi is a reflective learner who thinks carefully about her work and always looks for ways to improve. She listens to feedback and uses it to set goals for her learning. Great work, Kashvi! |
5/6N | Harry | You are a dedicated and resilient learner who consistently approaches tasks with a positive mindset. Your ability to explore different strategies, as seen in your work on complex math problems, is commendable. You take ownership of your learning and are willing to take the feedback to further challenge yourself. Well done, Harry.I am proud of you. |
5/6K | Ariana | For being a resilient learner. When plans change, you never complain. You always make the best of situations and don’t waste a minute of learning time! You demonstrated this during Inquiry last week, changing groups at the last minute, and collaborating with your new team, so you could all be successful! Thank you for always having an amazing attitude Ariana! |
5/6S | Divyam | For being a resilient learner. You are open to trying different strategies and ideas. You keep practising until you master a task, such as using distributive property to solve multiplication problems. You are committed to doing your best and a little bit more and can drive your own learning! Your positive attitude has made you an asset to our class - thank you Divyam! |