Learning and Teaching News

Welcome to Preps 2025
This week we welcomed our 2025 Prep students for a second transition to school morning. There were many excited faces and lots of experiences to share.
Transition to school allows potential school beginners to have an experience of being in the classroom with their 2025 classmates.
It provides an understanding of school life, their classroom and future teachers. Students engaged in a variety of fun learning activities giving them a sense of what learning and being at school looks like, sounds like and feels like. They participated confidently; listening, drawing and dancing and we look forward to them returning next week for a third and final session.
SMDP Readathon Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent readathon.
There were many who read some and a few who read a lot!
The money raised will go towards purchasing some lovely new books to keep our library engaging and a favourite place to be.
Congratulations to Lucas and Hudson for raising the most money and to Aoife and Megha for reading for the most time.
Reading was the big winner!
Student Reports
End of year reports will be emailed to families by 5pm on Monday December 9th 2024.
Reports provide formal feedback on your child’s learning for Semester 2.
At St Martin de Porres we strive to make our reports personalised in order to inform families about their child as a learner and as a class member.
Student reports are designed to explain a child’s progress and expected level of achievement for the end of year and to give feedback about their strengths and challenges.
An important part of assessment and reporting is the opportunity for families to praise, encourage and support their child in their learning.
Please find time to sit, read and discuss your child’s achievements and challenges with them.
Reports should be read in conjunction with your child’s online learning journal - Seesaw.
This provides families with evidence of a child’s learning based on curriculum expectations which are often expressed through learning intentions and success criteria.
The Report indicates the standards achieved in various curriculum areas. It also indicates a child's previous achievement in each area since last assessed. Achievement for the standards in English, Personal and Interpersonal Learning are shown every six months and the standards for the remaining curriculum areas are shown either six or twelve months depending on when they are covered in our two year Inquiry Conceptual Framework.
In the 2024 Semester 2 report, following Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) guidelines, your child’s teacher will report against the achievement standard in Mathematics including all strands and as a whole providing a single, aggregated score.
We have also included a table indicating where your child is placed for each individual numeracy strand as a helpful guide.
As the achievement standards reported on have changed since 2023, this report will only show achievement in Mathematics, not progress.
You should contact your child’s classroom teacher at any time for any clarification about your child's progress but teachers have set aside Thursday, December 12th from 3:30pm - 5pm to facilitate any parent requests for a learning conversation after reading your child's end of year report.
If you require an appointment, please contact your child's teacher directly via email or Seesaw prior to December 12th to make an appointment time.
Teachers may also be in contact with you to organise a learning conversation before the year ends.
Elise Coghlan
Co-Deputy Principal | Literacy & Numeracy Leader | Visible Learning Leader
Denise Kelly
Co-Deputy Principal |
Learning & Teaching Leader