ARCO news

NSW Department of Education Anti-Racism Strategy 2024-2035
Promoting an Inclusive and Respectful School Community
We are excited to share that the NSW Department of Education has launched its first Anti-Racism Strategy, aimed at eliminating all forms of racism within the public education system over the next decade. This strategy recognises the cultural diversity of NSW and the importance of fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students, staff and families.
The Anti-Racism Strategy outlines the department’s commitment to promoting equitable opportunities and experiences, ensuring that every member of our school community feels heard, respected, and empowered. It emphasises the importance of education and awareness in addressing racism as well as the need for robust reporting systems and support services.
In 2024–2025, the first phase of the plan will see the department implement new and enhanced actions across three strategy focus areas. Priorities will include; the groundwork that needs to occur to successfully launch the strategy, ensuring effective tracking of progress and facilitating access to existing systems and supports while developing longer-term system improvements.
To learn more about the Anti-Racism Strategy and the detailed implementation plan for 2024-2025, please follow the link below:
Should you wish to speak to the ARCO’s regarding any incidences or concerns of racism or have questions regarding the new strategy and plan, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Mrs Janssen, Mrs Khastgir and Mrs Mulholland
2024 Anti-Racism Contact Officers