Upcoming Events

Carlingford Dundas Lions Club Food Drive
Our school will be participating in the collection of non-perishable foods as part of the Lions Club Food Drive this year. The club will direct our donations to local charities for distribution and make somebody’s Christmas a little brighter than it may otherwise be.
Donations will be collected until Thursday 5th December (Week 8) and can be dropped straight to the school office.
Cans and boxes are preferred so please try to avoid any items in glass containers. Some examples of non-perishable food items include: canned goods, rice, pasta, noodles, biscuits and cereal.
Thank you in advance for your support with this worthwhile cause.
Miss Jacob and Miss Betty
Dates for your diary
19 November: Parent Workshop Kids Xpress
20 November: Stage 3 Wanderers Soccer clinic
20 November: Stage 3 Footsteps Dance
21 November: 3-6 assembly
22 November: C.H.A.T. Group
25 November: P&C AGM
27 November: Stage 3 Wanderers Soccer clinic
27 November: Stage 3 Footsteps Dance
27 November: 3rd Kindergarten Orientation
27 November: Combined Scripture Service
27 November: Volunteers Thank You Morning Tea
28 November: K-2 assembly