Principal's Message

Mrs Belinda Hall - Relieving Principal

This term is moving at a rapid rate, and we are officially more than halfway through. Last Friday I had the opportunity to watch our Stage 2 PSSA students participate in the finals. Congratulations to all the students who represented our school proudly, playing with grit and determination. We continue to get stronger each year and improve our results. Thank you Mr So and Ms Fairgrieve for donating your time and expertise to coach the teams each week.


This morning I listened to a number of Year 5 students presenting their leadership speeches. Standing confidently at the microphone, they all spoke with conviction and made the job of voting quite difficult. Having taught many of these students in Kindergarten, seeing how much they have matured and invested themselves into the school community is truly impressive. 


The Carlingford High School Music Tour arrived at our school today and showcased their amazing talent. Their Concert Band, Stage Band, String Ensemble and Vocal Ensemble performed in front of a captive audience, culminating in a whole school dance to celebrate the performing arts. It was lovely seeing so many past students visit our school, and we continue to be proud of your achievements.


Department Policy Regarding Gifts to Teachers

As we move towards the end of the year, I understand some parents and carers would like to show their appreciation to the teaching and support staff. While teachers are very appreciative of small gifts as acts of gratitude, all staff are bound by the NSW Department of Education’s Code of Conduct. The following is from the policy:


4.2.1 Group Gifts: Occasionally, an individual will receive a gift from a group (for example, a student class, business unit colleagues) where each person has made a nominal contribution to a pool, but in total, the gift is valued at more than $50. Employees should, where practical, consider signalling to potential donors that individuals should only make contributions of a nominal value.


Please also note that we love teaching your children, and nothing is required.


KidsXpress Parent workshop 

Thank you to all the parents who have indicated they will be attendance tomorrow. The workshop will be in the school hall starting at 6pm. If you did not yet RSVP, you are still welcome to attend the evening.


Thank You Morning Tea

Next Wednesday, 27 November from 10.50am-11.25am we will be holding a thank you morning tea for all parent and community volunteers who have helped Roselea PS in 2024. If you have helped with P&C, scripture, classroom activities, sports carnivals, excursions, Twilight Fair, band or any other activity, staff would love for you to make it on Wednesday. Your spirit, energy and commitment to our students and school make a huge difference and this is just a small token of our appreciation. 


Thank you P&C

Next Monday, we have our AGM followed by our final P&C meeting of the year. For our current members of the P&C, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your service to the school. We have worked closely together throughout the year, and I have enjoyed working shoulder to shoulder with you, especially during big community events such as the Twilight Fair and many band performances. We look forward to seeing the commencement of the immersive space and working together on our next fundraising initiative. 


Principal Awards