Administration News

A reminder that if you pay your school fees directly, these were due to be paid in full by the end of October. If you are encountering difficulties meeting your financial obligations, please contact the school office.
By now you should have received a pack containing information about your 2025 school fees. This has been sent home with the eldest child this week. Please check their school bag if you're yet to receive this. The School Fees schedule needs to be returned by Monday 2nd December. The pack also contains a Direct Debit form which is our preferred method of payment.
For those families that claimed the Family Fee Assistance & Camps Sports & Excursions fund this year a new form for 2025 is included in your pack. The CSEF form only needs to be completed by families that are adding a 2025 Prep to their existing application.
If your circumstances have changed and you are now the holder of a Concession/Health Care/Veterans Affairs card, please contact the school office as this will reduce your family fee from $1320 to $520 ($10 per week) next year.
PAM (Parent Access Module)
In early January you will receive a notication to access PAM to give consent for the yearly permissions such as Local Excursions, PG movies etc. It is important that you endeavour to action these items before the beginning of Term 1.