Classroom News

We cannot believe that we are already in Week 7 of Term 4! We have been working very hard on getting lots of things ready for the end of the year!
In Literacy, this week we have been reading about ‘Puff at the Dog Van’ and have been practising understanding what we have read in a text. We have also written about some of our Little Learners characters and their time at the circus.
In Numeracy, we have been consolidating our learning of Number and Counting concepts, including how many in two tens frames and bundling numbers up to 20 and beyond.
We had the best time at our Prep and 1 Fun Night getting our nails painted, temporary tattoos and coloured hair spray! Thanks to Georgie Leersen from ‘Act and Imagine’ for running some fun games workshop activities!
Tomorrow we have our Prep activity day at Colac West Primary School! It is going to be a warm day so please make sure to pack a water bottle, plenty of snacks and apply sunscreen before school. Activities will commence at approximately 9:30. Parents are welcome to come and watch and we will be heading back to school around 11.
“I like playing with my friend Tannah” - Jany Gerich
“I’ve liked having lots of surprises like, our Prep and One Fun Night - Leevi Gardiner
“I have loved learning about Love” - Annabelle Stewart
“I have loved learning AUSLAN” - Hannah Apostol
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
It has been a very busy time in the Year 1 and 2 area recently. The Year 2 students had a fabulous time at the Ballarat Wildlife Park last week, while the Year 1 students thoroughly enjoyed the Prep/One fun night this week. We were very proud of the Year 2 unit who led the whole school in prayer at their Prayer Gathering this morning. It will be the Year 1’s turn next week.
We are very excited about our Staying Healthy in our Community excursion on Thursday of next week and remind students to wear their sports uniform on this day.
We offer our congratulations to Matt, Megan, Winnie and Hughie on the arrival of baby Teddy. Also congratulations to Sia on the arrival of her baby brother Jerry.
A reminder to book your child’s Learning Conversation on PAM if you have not already done so. We have noticed that some students do not have a drink bottle at school. As the weather warms up it is important that students have access to water in the classroom throughout the day.
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
We are enjoying a fabulous week with lots of fun and exciting events. Our trip to Bounce on Tuesday was fantastic. The children had a wonderful time bouncing and rock climbing. Their behaviour was outstanding and the Bounce staff were very complimentary of the children. We then enjoyed a pleasant time at the playground.
Reminder, tomorrow we will be participating in the P-5 Activity Day. Year 3 children are visiting Colac Primary School and Year 4 are off to Colac South West. The weather is set to be warm, so please apply sunscreen before coming to school. We will be leaving at 9am and returning at around 11.30am.
Learning Conversations are open for booking, so please book in on PAM for this. The children will enjoy showcasing their work to you. They have been working hard completing assessments and it will be nice to show you their progress and celebrate their achievements.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
Students have been working hard this past fortnight completing testing in both literacy and numeracy for our upcoming Learning Conversations at the end of this term. This week they are completing a cold write on recounts. In the coming weeks we will also have plenty of fun activities to finish such a successful year, so keep an eye out for PAM permission forms.
In the classroom we have been continuing our novel studies on The Black Cockatoo and The Last Bear. Our numeracy units have focused on probability and chance and our inquiry unit has our students planning their own restaurant, from shop design to what’s on the menu. Our religion classes have been focusing on transformation and will continue on to the Jesse Tree and the Christmas stories as we draw closer to the end of the year.
Plenty of sport happening in Term 4 at the moment with students participating in basketball, cricket, hotshots and more to come.
Finally, just a reminder as the days get warmer, students have a water bottle and their hats at school every day.
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter