Prep 2025

Hello Prep Families of 2025,
We are so excited to welcome you into our wonderful school next week.
Transition Information
You have all been allocated an afternoon for transition, if this does not suit, please contact the office to arrange to come in on another afternoon next week.
All afternoon transitions will be from 3:30-4:30pm. Please bring your child to the Prep classroom and we will meet you and welcome you in. Your child only needs to wear casual clothes to their Transition & Orientation Session (10th December).
Mick Mahoney will then hold a parent information session and we will meet you in the junior playground (the one with the amazing red slide) for pick up time.
You will have received a little information form. We would love this to be filled out with as much detail as possible and ask that you return this on your transition afternoon. All you need to do is hand it over to Gemma or Meg. This helps us get to know your little person that little bit better and helps us start to plan for an amazing Prep year in 2025.
Just a reminder that if you haven't yet provided your child's birth or immunisation certificate please drop this off at the school office during one of your upcoming visits or email it to
School Fees
On Transitition day new families will receive a pack containing your School Fees information. The letter advises that the form needs to be returned by Monday 2nd December but you can return this on Prep Orientation Day.
Country Bus Travel
For families that have indicated that their child will be travelling to school on the country bus, your pack also contains an application form which needs to be dropped off at the Colac Secondary College office by Thursday December 12th.