
Communicating with the Foundation Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Amy Ryde
Welcome to Term 4! We cannot believe how fast the year is going! The students are going to enjoy a fun filled last term of Foundation!
This term in Inquiry, the Foundation students have studied a science unit about life and the Animal World. This is such an exciting topic for the students and they are always eager to extend their knowledge in this area! They investigated what is classified as living and non-living and have leant about what living things need to successfully survive, including themselves.
Throughout the Term, students were introduced to the idea that animals live in different places where their basic needs (including food, water and shelter) are met, and that animals have a variety of external features to suit their environment. They have explored a variety of habitats such as the ocean, rainforests, deserts and snow and looked at the different animals that live in these environments.
During the course of this Inquiry Unit of work, some of the questions they have explored are:
How do we know if something is alive?
What do animals need to stay alive?
What are some different types of animals that we know of?
What do animals eat?
What features help animals to survive in their habitat?
How do animals move? How does this help them survive?
What are the basic needs of humans? How do these needs compare to the needs of other animals?
The students have had a great time creating their very own Information Booklet depicting all that they have learnt.
Next week (week 8) we have our exciting incursion: Wild Actions - Australian Animals Incursion. Make sure you check out the next newsletter for photos of the event!
On Tuesday we had our Crazy Hair and Sock Day! We were very impressed with all the effort that went into the day!
Our Term 4 Specialist timetable has changed!
When students are participating in Health and Physical Education (HPE) and Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) it would be best if they were wearing sneakers or shoes that they can move around in. Please note that this timetable can change! We will keep you updated if this occurs.
FA | FB | FC |
Monday: Physical Education and Auslan | Monday: Physical Education and Auslan | Monday: Physical Education and Auslan |
Tuesday: Library | Tuesday: Library | Tuesday: Library |
Wednesday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts | Thursday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts | Thursday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP), Visual Arts (VA) and Performing Arts |
Friday: Buddies | Friday: Buddies | Friday: Buddies |
We are looking forward to an exciting first term of learning! If you have any questions please contact us via email or in person.