Year Two

Rebecca Crawford (Class 2A)
Zoe Bates (Class 2B)
This term, our Year Two students have been engaged in an exciting Inquiry unit, “My Place in Australia.” Throughout this unit, students are exploring natural and manmade landmarks. They are studying the geography of our local community and the wider Australian landscape. Students are learning about local places and the unique features that make each area special.
As part of our Inquiry, students are creating a journal to document their learning. This is being done alongside our mentor text: 'Under the Southern Cross', which has taken us on a journey to incredible locations across Australia.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are introduced as are their communities. This has proven to generate valuable discussions that have enriched our connection to Australia’s cultural heritage.
Through our lessons, students are discovering how different parts of Australia can look, sound, and feel very different from our own local community, helping them to appreciate the diversity of our beautiful country.
Year Two Specialist Timetable:
Year Two students in both 2A and 2B will visit the Library on Thursdays pending whole school events this term.
Take Home Readers
Don't forget to read at home! Students in Year Two have the advantage of choosing the texts the read, however there are a selection of books available at school should you child wish to borrow one for the week.