Kitchen Garden

Last term Lemons were in season.
My neighbour Sandra, who lives down the street from the school, has a very old lemon tree with abundant fruit.
Sandra is an older lady who lives alone and doesn't get many visitors.
We thought it might be nice to drop in, say hello, and pick some lemons.
The kids enjoyed the little excursion, and we talked about older people being lonely sometimes.
The kids wrote "thank you cards" to Sandra and we saved a little slice of cake for her. She was so happy !!!
please find the recipe for "ricotta-lemon cake" and "lemon curd" attached.
the F/1 made lemonade and lemon cookies.
NOW is strawberry time -
The Wooragee strawberry farm is open, and the berries are amazing -
(visit if you can, and pick your own).
With the older grades, we created 4 different strawberry recipes.
Each group had to present their dish to the rest of the class and serve it up.
We talked about different textures - and tastes - ...what tastes good and maybe not so good and what we could do differently in the recipes.
The kids were very engaged - (and who doesn't like a chocolate-coated strawberry).
Please find the recipes attached. (we decided to cross out the peanut butter in the smoothie)
with the F/1 we made strawberry "jam" and enjoyed some pikelets with fresh strawberries/mango and cream. YUM.
Finally, we managed to plant something in our wine barrel pot plants.
- Snowpeas
- mint
- oregano
- thyme
- chives
- parsley
Every grade has ONE pot and has to look after it - hopefully, we can use those herbs for cooking soon!!!!!
Happy cooking
Maria Kraus