Literacy News

Lions Public Speaking Comp
Last week we hosted one of the Lions Public Speaking finals. We had 3 students participating and they all spoke outstandingly. Lily, Marley and JZ should be extremely proud of themselves. Huge congrats to JZ who won the senior competition after delivering 2 memorable speeches. Super effort!
Big thanks to Patsy and her support crew from the Lions Club who gave our school the opportunity to participate in this competition. What a great way for our students to develop their public speaking skills.
Congratulations to Sammy, one of our year 4 students who was a finalist in the Pawsome Stories competition. Sammy wrote a non fiction piece based on the topic ‘How animals make our lives better’. Sammy got to go to the RSPCA and be a part of the awards ceremony. What a great experience for her!
Well done Sammy. We are super proud of you!
Second hand book sale at the Christmas Carols
We have a lot of good quality second hand books which we will be selling for $1 each at the Christmas Carols. The money will go towards purchasing new books for our library. This stall at the carols will be cash only. It's a great opportunity to stock up on some books for the summer holidays at a bargain price!
What letters of the alphabet come too late for supper?
What's the coolest letter in the alphabet?
I’m a vowel that is frequently quiet, however without me, words would be inadequate. What am I?
I’m a letter that sounds like a question. Which letter am I?
Answers will be available in the next edition of Snippets.
Last Snippet's riddle answers
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
Answer: The letter M
What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and water but no fish?
Answer: A map
What word begins with E, ends with E, but only has one letter?
Answer: Envelope
What’s tall when it’s young but short when it’s old?
Answer: A candle