Celebrations and Acclamations

- Primary SS - Thanks to everyone for contributing towards the Primary corridor looking festive!
- Middle SS - Thank you to all staff for being to flexible in accommodating observations in the lead up to 2025. Similarly a huge thank you to those ES staff without teachers, chipping away at Student Profiles. I see you, and I appreciate you!
- Secondary SS - Ashley, Elizabeth and Gurminder for all of your support at camp.
- Learning Specialists - Thank you to the VPC classrooms for their wonderful videos that they made.
- OH&S - A massive thankyou to all the staff who have returned their Workplace Inspections. Out of the 89 inspection areas, 62 workplace inpections have been retuned this term! Well done! There are 27 only remaining.
- Therapy - A big thank you to all the staff and students who use the O.T room and leave it in a clean and organised state.
- Wellbeing - Thank you to the office staff for coordinating all of our visitors.
- Admin - A huge shout out to Fiona for all her support within Admin during the year. Fiona has been amazing jumping into Admin/reception during admin meetings, answering phone calls and assisting parents when needed. THANK YOU
- PCT - Thank you to all the staff that supported Graduation and ADVANCE Camp at Campaspe Downs last week and this week. You're amazing.
"What ever you want to do, if you want to be good at it, you have to love it and be able to make sacrifices for it".