Guyra Show  

Show Art 2024 Results

The following students completed artworks that were selected to be included in the School Art section of competition at the 2024 Guyra Show. 

St Mary of the Angels School is certainly full of talented young artists to keep an eye on as they follow their creative pursuits. A super effort from all classes to participate in creating artworks under this year’s themes of “Around Guyra”.


Drawing Section Entries and Results

Darcy S ‘My Passion”1st Yr 6 Drawing
Charlotte B “Graceful Hummingbird”1st Yr 5 Drawing
Miles F “Pokemon”1st Yr 4 Drawing
Chase F “Trucking Adventure”2nd Yr 5 Drawing
Callie S “Table with Fruit on it”2nd Kindergarten Drawing
Chaise M2nd Yr 4 Drawing
Catie F 3rd Yr 6 Drawing
Lane C “Raining on a house”3rd Kindergarten Drawing
Jack NHighly Commended Yr 2 D
Tristan NHighly Commended Yr 3 Drawing
Arlie RHighly Commended Yr 3 Drawing
Miles F “Titanic”Highly Commended Yr 4 Drawing
Ned N “Deep and Dark” Highly Commended Yr 4 Drawing
Jacob S “Dump Truck” Highly Commended Kindergarten Drawing
Hugo SHighly Commended Yr 5 Drawing
Indi R “Blooming Night”Highly Commended Yr 6 Drawing
Lachlan CExhibited Yr 5 Drawing
Christopher W Exhibited Yr 6 Drawing
Flynn M “Trucking 24/7”Exhibited Yr 6 Drawing
Ricky Jay F “Brisbane Heat”Exhibited Yr 5 Drawing
Ted WExhibited Yr 5 Drawing
Brock AExhibited Yr 3 Drawing

Painting Section Entries and Results

Hudson H “Apples on a Tree with People”1st Kindergarten Painting
Frazer M “Fishing”2nd Kindergarten Painting
Ricky Jay F “Nemo”3rd Yr 5 Painting
Bella H ‘Swinging in the Sunset”3rd Yr 6 Painting
Catie F“Flowers everywhere”Highly Commended Yr 6 Painting
Paityn O “Fruit”Highly Commended Kinder Painting
Jack N “Under the Sea” Highly Commended Yr 2 Painting
Ayva SHighly Commended Yr 3 Painting
Maddie E “Unicorn”Highly Commended Yr 3 Painting
Christopher W “Windy Willow”Exhibited Yr 6 Painting
Darcy C “Camping at Sunset”Exhibited Yr 5 Painting
Peter G “Outback Sunset”Exhibited Yr 5 Painting
Vancara LExhibited Yr 4 Painting
Clancy RExhibited Yr 4 Painting
Millie NExhibited Yr 4 Painting
Milla MExhibited Yr 3 Painting

School Mural Results

Stage 3 “Around Guyra: Sheep Merino/Fat Lambs/Cattle”Highly Commended
Stage 2 “Around Guyra: Sheep Merino/Fat Lambs/Cattle”Highly Commended
Stage 1 “Potatoes/Tomatoes”Exhibited
Kindergarten “Potatoes/Tomatoes”Highly Commended


Pavilion and Ring Results 

Congratulations also to all the members of our school community who entered other sections in the pavilions and in the ring!

Lewis R1st Place Lego Build 
Darcy S1st Place Dozen Eggs - single yolk 
Hugo S2nd Place Wool Clip
Hugo and Darcy S1st Place Young Farmers Challenge
Darcie C1st Place Butterfly Cupcakes
Stirling T1st Place Space Creation
Clark T1st Place Duplo truck with trailers
Jack NHighly Commended 4 Decorated Biscuits
Jack NHighly Commended 4 Patty Cakes
Ned NHighly Commended Cake - Packet Mix
Ned NHighly Commended Pikelets
Lachlan CChampion in Cooking Primary 
Lachlan C1st Place in Best Article
Lachlan C1st Place in Best Decorated Shoe
Lachlan C1st Place in Healthy Lunch Box
Lulu CChampion - Craft Exhibit
Lulu C1st Place Duplo Lego
Lulu C1st Place Best Decorated Shoe
Lulu C1st Place Best Article
Lane C1st Place for Guinea Fowl Eggs
Lane C2nd Place Duplo Lego
Lane C2nd Place Best Decorated Show
Lane C1st Place Cooking - Fairy Bread
Lane C1st Place Play Dough Cup Cake