Good News

Term 1, Week 5


Hudson - for taking pride in his writing and drawing during English.  

Lane - for his thoughtful contributions and ‘out of the box’ thinking during our Science lessons. 

Frazer - for listening carefully to the sounds of words and responding with fantastic rhyming words. 

Year 1/2

Lulu C- For always assisting her peers in the classroom, even when not being asked. 

Fergus M - For responding to feedback in the classroom and acting on it. 

Thomas L - For being an incredibly hard worker and putting 100% effort into every task. 

Year 3/4

Millie - Millie has shown outstanding compassion for her fellow classmates, she is always encouraging our Living Well Learning Well standards amongst her friends and leads by example.

Matthew - Matthew has shown great knowledge across Mathematics this week and has been outstanding at helping others gain understanding of the mathematical concepts.

Harbour - Harbour has shown great resilience in her effort in class, always working with a positive attitude and takes on challenges with pride! Keep it up Harbour

Year 5/6

Ted W- commitment and effort during his Cold Write and showing improvement.

Kirby N- taking initiative and displaying problem solving skills.

Catie F- for activating prior knowledge and using this to reflect and set learning goals.

Benji A- displaying a positive mindset towards engaging with group learning.   

Flynn M and Lewis R- working collaboratively together and creating fantastic work.