Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund

The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund provides payments for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, and sports and outdoor education programs. 


Who can apply

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents are eligible to apply. A Special Consideration category also exists. Schools can receive applications from families over terms one and two.

Families can list more than one student in the one application form if they are attending the same school.

For further information regarding eligibility please see the below link. 



Payment amounts

Payments for 2024 are:

  • $250 per year for eligible secondary school students.

Payments are made directly to the school:

  • from March onwards each year where the parent/carer’s concession card is assessed as valid on the first day of Term 1 and
  • until 28 June where the parent/carer’s concession card is assessed as valid on the first day of Term 2.

Payments are for the application year and cannot be claimed for previous years.


If you would like to apply for CSEF for 2024 please fill out the CSEF application form with a copy of your concession card and submit it to the school.