Student of the Month


As part of our acknowledgement of students who are representing our College Values, we will be presenting Student of the Month awards to students we believe have best represented the values during each month.


7A- Amira Mohamed


"Amira has been a highly respectful and inclusive member of every Design Tech class this month. She is always on task, helping others and including her peers in group work."


"Amira is very much on task during my lessons, and a very pleasant student."

7B- Armaan Dhillon


"Armaan comes to class prepared and ready to learn. He contributes to class discussions and cooperates during group tasks. "


"Armaan's attendance is currently at 100%! He is always on time to class and engages in all activities."

7C- Mahrukh Fazal


"Mahrukh always comes to class with a positive and respectful attitude. She is always willing to participate in class discussions and PE pracs."


"Mahrukh has displayed elements of a positive learner multiple times this month. She asks questions when unsure, gives every task her best attempt and engages positively with her peers."

7D- Kulsev Singh


"Kulsev has shown consistent commitment to his learning in Humanities. He is always engaged and willing to participate in class discussions in a respectful manner. He was a great leader in our recent group presentation task."


"Kulsev is actively participating in English and is a positive contributor to class discussions."


"Kulsev is an enthusiastic participant who actively involves himself in class discussions and activities."                              

7E- Abdul Siddiqui


"Abdul is always consistently showing respect and putting in the effort to do his very best." 


"Abdul actively contributes meaningfully to class discussions."


7F- Adeen Hasan


"Adeen has demonstrated a high level of organisation in her class work. She is very productive in completing tasks at school. She asks questions and doing further research on what is taught in class."


"She is not just focused on her own success but also on helping her peers succeed."

7G- Claire Briones


"An all-round good student, friend and person. Claire is the first person to help her peers or teachers without even being asked. Claire is 100% herself and is always representing all school values."


"Claire often goes beyond what is required to be inclusive member of the classroom, displays a positive and resilient mindset in class and is a positive role model for her peers."


"Claire is an active contributor to group discussion. She works hard to complete work tasks. She is respectful in the yard and often greets teachers- even those who do not teach her. " 

7H- Josiah Flu


"Josiah is always willing to attempt questions or provide insight in maths, he can hold a conversation but knows when to get the work done."


"Josiah is a very friendly student who greets all of his peers and teachers respectfully."