Engagement Day Photos


"Camp Sunnystones was an amazing experience. some of my favourite parts of this were kayaking, archery and eating sausages!" Saachi 7D


"On our engagement day we went to camp sunny stones, and we were doing some fun activities. Which include raft building, archery, kayaking and a game called the survival game. My personal favourite was the survival game and kayaking. Kayaking was fun and it was hot on the day we went to camp sunny stones. We learnt how to do kayaking and learnt how to make a raft with our team." Tajkirat 7A



The Reach program was great!


It let us open to others and talk about things we like. It’s made us improve our friendship by telling the other that they’re a great friend or your so kind. They asked us questions about things that we like to do and can relate to.


Overall it was a fun experience and we all got to know each little by little.


Daisy 7A





During the engagement day my class and another class went to GL3 and GL4 and we met Kobi in that class. We learnt about the Bunurong people and their heritage to this land and customs. We also learnt about some signs or markings and had them carved into a piece of rock or clay which we were able to take it home. 


It was fun and interesting. We learnt that there were pieces of rock that were used as tools or cutlery to chop food in half we had this long piece of wood that could probably be turned into a club for hunting animals or used for defence. 


We played a little game before lunch and there was four corners and we had to go to the right one to stay in the game. 


Everybody had Subway and a cookie it was Delicious!

Jorel - 7A