Monitoring Student Progress

Learning Characteristic Reports, Parent Teacher Interviews & Learning Tasks

Learning Characteristic Reports

The first cycle of Learning Characteristic reports can now be accessed on Compass. These reports provide families with feedback regarding their child's approach to their studies.

The reports focus on the following learning characteristics:

  • Attendance (%) - students should be aiming for 100% attendance with a minimum attendance of 90%
  • Arrives to class on time - we expect our students to arrive to class on time, every time. 
  • Is prepared for learning - students should bring the correct equipment to every class; books, computer, pens/pencils, they should not bring in items that are distracting, or continue behaviours that are not appropriate for indoors.
  • Displays a positive attitude   - we expect our students to engage in their learning, contributing to class discussions, asking questions and demonstrating initiative. 
  • Works cooperatively with others - students are encouraged to work collaboratively with their peers, both in groups of their choosing or teacher assigned groups. 
  • Completes set tasks & meets all deadlines - to maximise learning students should complete all activities and tasks as directed by their teachers.

Learning Characteristic reports will be published on Compass three times a semester, approximately every 5 weeks.


Parent Teacher Interviews 

As advertised on Compass our first Parent Teacher Interviews will be held next Wednesday 6th March from 11am to 7pm. The interviews will provide parents with the opportunity to meet their child's teachers and to discuss today's Learning Characteristic Reports. 


Bookings for the interviews are to be made via Compass. Any parents experiencing difficulty making bookings can contact the General Office on 8001 3333.


Please note: there are no classes running on the day. Students are expected to attend the interviews with their parents.


Learning Tasks

Compass Learning Tasks will be used by teachers at Brinbeal Secondary College to provide parents and students with feedback on summative assessments. Students will complete summative assessments throughout the year, usually at the completion of a topic. The assessments will take on various formats for example topic tests, practical reports, presentations or performances. 


Parents can access their child's results by logging in to the Compass App or website and viewing Learning Tasks on their students profile.