Year 5/6 News

Radhika and Ramisa

The following articles have been written by Year 5/6 Students:


Over the last 2 weeks, we in the 5/6s are learning about converting fractions to decimals to percentages.  We then got to play a game called Fractionopoly which was very easy and simple to learn. It is like Monopoly, but we use Fractions. You get to roll two dice and move forward the sum of the numbers rolled. After moving, you will either receive a challenge or a chance card. If you answer the challenge question correctly, you will be awarded some points (the number of points will be mentioned on the card). However, if you draw a chance card, it could either add or subtract 10 points from your current score. At the end of the game, the person with the highest score wins.


Fractionopoly is an engaging and fun way to learn about equivalent fractions, decimals, and percentages. The game board features questions that require students to apply their fractions, percentages, and decimal knowledge, as well as 'challenge' and 'chance' cards. Students love competing with one another to be the first to reach 50 points.

English - Writing & Reading

In Writing, we are learning about persuasives and narratives. We see persuasiveness in our everyday lives, like in ads, commercials and newsletters. Persuasive means to convince someone to like your opinions. Persuasives don’t always convince someone but that is okay. 


Although persuasives are to convince someone it wouldn’t sound great without some facts and a little bit of exaggeration. Persuasives are divided into 5 paragraphs. The 1st paragraph is the introduction, you start by talking about the topic. The 2nd paragraph is for the first reason. The 3rd paragraph is for the second reason. The 4th paragraph is for the third reason and the last paragraph is for the conclusion.


We are also covering narratives, and how to start our stories with a sizzling start! We want to keep the reader on their toes and create suspense through our writing. We have also looked at setting and characterisation to add an extra layer to our writing. Naplan is coming up very soon, and this is great preparation and planning for Week 7. 


In Reading we are looking at a variety of topics such as similes, metaphors, compound adjectives, adverbs, intonation and expanding vocabulary. Learning various synonyms through websites such as VisuWords has been fun! 


In Inquiry, the 5/6s are learning about the Australian Federation. For the last couple of weeks, the 5/6s have been tracing out one of Australia’s 6 states and 2 territories. In Week 5, and we are focusing on making a train track circuit and finding out the Aboriginal names of our 6 states and 2 territories. We will even make a billboard! 


We are very lucky to have Arne visiting us for Wellbeing in the last few weeks. We covered respect and boundaries with others. It was great to have Arne come in and teach us about this topic. Arne has also hosted Table Tennis in the Huddle for us at lunch times. Ella in 5/6B has also created this Wellbeing chart for us as a reminder to treat ourselves with kindness, a great reminder for us all! 

ICT/STEM Program 

During our ICT lessons, we have recently learned how to use Excel to total our spending for Graduation. We have learned how to manipulate cells to calculate our total spending vs our budget! 


In STEM we are building railway prototypes from paper and soon we will begin creating our train tracks that will move some weight around our state, exciting things to come. Watch this space! 

Events - Athletics Day 2024 

I'm here to share all the excitement from our recent Athletics Day at school. It was such a blast with lots of running, jumping, and throwing – let me tell you all about it!

First things first, getting on the bus with my friends was super fun. We were all chatting and giggling on the way to the athletics field, feeling really excited about the day ahead.


Now, let's talk about the events! There were so many cool ones, but my favorites were the 100-meter sprint, long jump, and discus. The 100-meter sprint was all about speed – we raced to see who could run the fastest. The long jump was like trying to jump as far as possible into a sandpit, which was really cool! And then there was the discus throw – swinging that heavy disc and watching it fly through the air was amazing!

But you know what was even better than winning? Just taking part in all the events! It was awesome to try new things and do my best, even if I didn't come first. Plus, cheering on my friends was so much fun!

One of the best things about the day was hanging out with everyone and supporting each other. We all felt like one big team, cheering each other on whether we were running or jumping.

Overall, our Athletics Day was so much fun. From the excitement of the races to trying out new things, it was an awesome day. I can't wait for next year's Athletics Day already!


We have had a lovely time with the chickens in the last two weeks. Our chickens have laid some eggs which are available to purchase should our families and communities like to do so! Our chickens are fed every morning and are looking very happy and healthy. We have been working on our garden and now have some ripe figs!