Year 1/2/3 News

Hourig, Dilan and Belinda


Congratulations to the families and students of The Reef.  We have been amazed by the support from families and enjoyed meeting you in our meet-and-greet interviews. The students have continuously come to school with positive mindsets and are ready to learn and be with their friends.  


Over the last few weeks, students have been immersing themselves in various aspects of learning. They have been exploring the depths of the silent world of the reef, where they swim together and navigate through other sea creatures to find a place of where they all belong. The Reef is bubbling with engaging lessons in Wellbeing, Literacy, Mathematics, Inquiry and practicing for junior athletics. 


The Reef is dedicated to the development of the whole child. Students learn lifelong skills such as self-management, social awareness, and relationship-building through play-based learning.


Students have been expanding their understanding of Measurement and Data. They have been using informal units to measure different objects in The Reef, such as tables, shelves, and even the TV, using items like ice pole sticks, match sticks, and unifix cubes. The highlight of the measurement unit was Maths Hour, where students were able to apply their knowledge in a fun and engaging way. The photos captured the excitement in The Reef during the measurement activities.

Maths Hour
Maths Hour


During our Literacy lessons, students have been exposed to various ways to comprehend their reading, letter-sound relationships, and working towards writing a narrative. The following photos capture the students developing ideas and writing these in full sentences.


The Penguins, Manta Rays and Fishes have been exploring the topic, ‘Where we are in place and time’. Students have been studying artefacts from across the ages, from the past to the present and why they have changed over time. They have immersed themselves in the evolution of transportation, technology, communication, jobs, and shelter.