Foundation News

Manpreet and Jack

Foundation Students Conquer Their First Cross Country Run

Hooray for our little champions in Foundation! They've just completed their very first big school event: the cross-country run. Despite the nerves and excitement, they dashed across the finish line with beaming smiles and a sense of accomplishment. It's been a fantastic opportunity for our youngest students to showcase their determination, resilience, and team spirit. We're incredibly proud of their efforts and can't wait to see them tackle many more adventures ahead!

NÜDEL KART: Unleashing Creativity and Engineering Skills

Get ready to rev up those creative engines because our students have been putting their problem-solving skills into high gear with NÜDEL KART! From brainstorming innovative designs to tinkering with engineering concepts, our budding engineers and artists have been hard at work. NÜDEL KART has provided the perfect platform for them to unleash their imagination and collaborate onbuildingsomething truly remarkable. Stay tuned to see the incredible creations they bring to life!