Student Wellbeing 

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience

School Representative Council

All classes from Years 1 to 6 voted on a student to represent the voice of their class. SRC members will meet regularly with Belinda to share ideas from students in ways in which we can improve our school. The SRC members will work through different ideas and lead the action of these.


Congratulations to the following SRC members who were awarded their SRC badge at the Assembly last Tuesday.

  • 1/2A – Amir Almalki
  • 1/2B – Charlotte Lou
  • 2/3A – Kevin Bui
  • 3/4A – Saarah Zaman
  • 3/4B – Zea Rahman
  • 5/6A – Khadijah Abdulsalam
  • 5/6B – Keenan Fauzin


School Values Awards

Well done to the following students for demonstrating our school values in the playground:

  • Gurnaaz Saini 5/6B 
  • Selaga Prayogo 3/4A

Every Day Counts!

Congratulations to 3/4A! They have received the 'High Attendance' award at assembly multiple times this term.

School participation is important as it maximises life opportunities for children and young people by providing them with education and support networks. School helps people to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community.  

Department of Education, Victoria.