Assistant Principal's News

Josie Burt

Hello Families,

We have had some fantastic events over the last three weeks.

Seeing the way our students have demonstrated the school values in Athletics, Cross Country, Clean-up Australia Day, in their learning, and in the playground has made me immensely proud. 

Students are demonstrating respect for teachers, other students, and the school all day - every day - in the way they work and play. 


I have observed students returning lost items and helping their friends as a way of demonstrating responsibility, and the 'Can do' attitude and determination that students have displayed during Athletics and Cross-country events shows me that our resilience is growing every day. It is exciting to see who will win the RRR award in assembly each week as the number of tickets in the jar grows and grows.


Next week our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy). These assessments will be conducted during class time in Weeks 7 and 8. Students have been undertaking practice questions and sessions leading up to this event. The assessments will provide an indication of your child's capabilities in writing, reading, grammar and punctuation, and mathematics. This assessment is a snapshot of what your child can do in these areas right now. It has no bearing on what classes or subjects they will take in the future. The results will be released by ACARA later this year.  NAPLAN is not something to stress about - as long as your child tries their best, that is all we can ask for.

Clean Up Australia Day

This week, students took up the challenge to 'Clean up Clayton North' by gathering multiple bags of rubbish and recyclable items. We were able to return these items to the Monash Council for effective sorting and recycling. Thanks to our Year 5/6 Team leader, Radhika, for organising this fantastic event.

S.R.C - Student Representative Council

Our 2024 SRC representatives were presented with their badges at this week's Tuesday assembly. It was great to see these wonderful student leaders recognised by their peers and their teachers. In the coming weeks, our SRC will meet with myself, Sue and Belinda to discuss their roles and responsibilities. They will be able to bring ideas for school improvement from their classmates to share with school leadership.