Specialist News

Bronwyn, Geraldine, Vimala, Rebecca and Jenny

Art Room News

Hi, my name is Wajan and I am the school Art Captain for 2024. I would like to tell you about what we’ve been learning about in Art class this term. 


The whole school worked on a collaborative mural. We drew a self-portrait of ourselves in one colour. When we put them all together it makes a rainbow. We made this mural to show that at our school, everyone belongs, which is the message of Harmony Day. You can come and see our mural and your child’s portrait in the office foyer.

The Year 5/6 students created dragon eyes with clay for the Lunar New Year as it is the ‘Year of the Dragon’. They worked on their clay modelling skills by creating spikes, scales and textures. Here are some examples.



The Year 1/2s also celebrated the Lunar New Year. They explored mark-making and printing to create fireworks. They also practised their collage and paper construction techniques to create a dragon.









I am excited to announce that Art Club will be held during Thursday lunchtimes on a fortnightly basis. We will be inviting different year levels to participate each fortnight. Students will get to participate in some fun arts and crafts during these lunchtimes. 

By Wajan (Art Captain) and Bronwyn (Visual Arts Teacher)

Physical Education News

Term 1 has been busy in the P.E. world. All students have been working hard to build their stamina and endurance. The senior school participated in house athletics and the whole school enjoyed racing at the cross-country event. Well done, everyone!