Assistant Principal's Report

Leasyl Richards - Curriculum

1st March 2024


This week our Year 3 and 5 students completed NAPLAN practice tests. These tests give students the opportunity to become familiar with the NAPLAN platform.  As a school we can ‘iron out’ any  technical difficulties and ensure both school devices and BYOD are ready for the NAPLAN tests in two weeks time.


Parents we ask that if your child is unwell on a day when a NAPLAN test is scheduled please don’t send them to school. There are a few days spare at the end of our school’s  NAPLAN testing period when I will endeavour to do catch up  tests with the students once they return to school. 


Next week class teachers will be utilising an assessment day to conduct 1:1 individual assessments in literacy and numeracy. These 1:1 assessments provide teachers with great insights into the reading comprehension and maths strategies that students are using and allow us to see where in the curriculum continuum your child is performing. They also provide valuable information to inform future teaching and learning focuses. 


On these days students will have one full day of all of their specialist classes (PE, Visual Art, Performing Arts, Library and LOTE).


In each of our classroom we have a 5-bin system. 

Compost – twice each week our Waste Warriors place the compost in either the green wheelie bins which get collected by the Council or in our in-ground compost bins that we have at school

Recycling- twice each week the cleaners clean out the recycling and place it in the yellow wheelie bins which the Council collects fortnightly

Paper- twice each week the cleaners clean out the paper bins and place in our blue wheelie bins which get collected fortnightly by a company called ‘Betterwaste’ (this is a service we pay for)

Landfill – once each week the cleaners collect the Landfill and place into the big skip bin we have at the end of the staff carpark which is picked up by ‘Betterwaste’ each week or fortnight. (this is also a service we pay for)

Soft plastics – once each week the cleaners collect the soft plastics and we have a couple of parents who kindly drop this off at the Monash Recycling Centre.


If you would like to help out with the Soft plastics please email me. Now that we have moved to being Nude Food everyday the reduction in our soft plastics is huge so this job could be done fortnightly instead of weekly and can be shared amongst a few parents so it could possibly be a job that you may only need to help out with once each term. It simply involves collecting the bag of soft plastics from outside Miss Richards office and dropping it off at the Monash Recycling Centre in FernTree Gully Rd. 


A huge thank you to 3LD, 4SM, 3JN, 4MP and 3EB for keeping the yard tidy over the last two weeks.  They have done a great job cleaning, sweeping, moving mulch back to the gardens, and learning how to use a brush and pan! 








Thank you parents for continuing to support our efforts to be Rubbish Free. 90% Nude Food lunchboxes across the school in Week 5 is fantastic!  

100%  Nude Food lunchboxes2CL 4SM 6LV2EB 2SP 4MP 6LV 
96% Nude Food lunchboxes2SP 4MP1VB 2CL 3DP 3JN 6JS
95% Nude Food lunchboxesPBC 6JSPNA 3LD
TOTAL Nude Food average for WHPS 86%90%

Congratulations to 4SM and 2SP who got to keep the Nude Food trophy in their room. 


Leasyl Richards