Principal's Report

Michael Ramsey 

1st March 2024

School Council

We are now officially calling for nominations from parents to fill 3 parent vacancies on School Council.  The term of office is 2 years. Attached is :

  1. The Notice of School Council Election and Call for Nominations
  2. Information for parents
  3. Form 3 – Self Nomination form parent member category (if you would like to nominate yourself)
  4. Form 4 – Nomination form parent member category (if you would like to nominate another parent)

Forms are also available from the school office. If you are a DET Employee as well as a parent at the school, please collect a separate Nomination Form at the school office. Nominations close on Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 4.00pm. In order for School Council to be effective we need parents who can commit themselves to a monthly 1-2 hour meeting from 7.00pm – 8.30pm usually held the last Monday of the month.  Member absences from these meetings make the running of School Council difficult.  So if you have the time we would love you to contact us for further information and/or fill in a nomination form by the due date.  School Council is a great place to make a valuable contribution to your child’s education. Please contact myself or the school office if you have any queries.






Thanks to all of our parents who attended our assemblies on the oval over the last few weeks. It has been great to see you there. Assembly for the rest of the term will be held via Webex at 2pm on Friday and will be presented by our student leaders. You are more than welcome to join via the link below:

School Photos 

School photos will be taken on Thursday 14th March. Students are expected to be presentable and in full school uniform on the day. Hopefully this allows enough time to ensure that those school uniforms are looking their best on the day. If families are in need of a new uniform, they can be purchased via PSW either online or in-store at their Glen Waverley outlet. 

School Leadership and Badge Presentation Assemblies

We have been lucky the weather has been kind and we have been able to hold some assemblies outside on the oval at the start of this year. Below are some photos from the student leadership badge presentation John Mullahy attended. We also held a badge presentation for peer mediation / SRC and monitor badges. There were over 130 badges presented to students at these assemblies. Congratulations to these students and we look forward to you making a positive contribution to the school in these roles. 

Michael Ramsey
