OSHC Information

Vacation Care Program

We are currently planning our April Vacation Care program with lots of incursions and an excursion to Lilydale Lake for a BBQ.

Keep an eye out next week for the Booking form and the dates for Permanent and casual bookings.

Make sure to get your bookings in early to ensure you get the dates you need.

After School Care Planning

The OSHC leadership team meet each fortnight to program the activities for each room.

Feedback and observations from the past fortnight are used to learn about the children’s interests and needs and then engaging activities are planned.

We program for all groups/rooms separately to accommodate the ages and interests. There are programs for :

ASC – Junior (Prep and Grade 1), Middle (Grade 2-4) and Senior (Grade 5&6)  

BSC -  Junior ( Prep to Grade 4) & Senior (Grade 5&6)

Please see the OSHC noticeboard for the up-to-date program for all rooms.


We love to hear feedback from children and families about our programs. If you have something to share please email us on wheelershilloshc@gmail.com  and let us know about your child’s or your own experience in OSHC or any questions you may have.

Bookings Reminders

Just a few reminders :

  • Cancellation of permanent bookings requires 2 weeks’ notice. This is to cancel the booking permanently not just for a single/few days.
  • Individual day cancellations will still incur the regular fee for that session.
  • Please give us some notice of new permanent bookings to enable us to source extra educators if required.
  • Casual bookings may be limited due to educator numbers. It you know you need a casual booking try to make it in advance to ensure a place. Fees will still be charged if your situation changes and you no longer need the booking.
  • Book via mobile 0409007104 or email wheelershilloshc@gmail.com

We do not receive notification from the school if your child is not here or has gone home early.  Please notify us if your child is not attending OSHC  via text or a call 0409 007 104.

This is to ensure all children are safe and educators are not taken from the program looking for missing children who have not attended school.


I have attached the Booking, Cancellation and Waitlist Policy for more details.


Sharyn and the OSHC team

0409 007 104
