Year 3-6 Sector


Year 3

The Year 3 students have settled in well and made new friends already.



In Reading, students and teachers have worked together to unpack and establish reading routines such as Independent Reading, Guided Reading and how to choose a ‘Just Right’ book, that will be practiced throughout the year. In Reading, we have been building our love for reading. The students have been looking at various comprehension strategies like predicting, making connections and visualising. You can support your child at home by asking them questions about the book they have been reading. You could ask questions like:


– Does this book remind you of anything that has happened to you?

-Does this book remind you of another book that you may have read?



It has been amazing to see the writing of our Grade 3s. Our first writing unit is all about building a love for writing and creating the excitement to write. We have been thinking about places where we’ve gotten our best writing done. Imagine what that space looked like. Students have had to think about the stuff they must have in their writing environment, and they have also looked at the writing environments of some authors.



Students have started Maths this year with a bang! They have been working in small groups to share ideas and strategies they used to solve a problem. Our first few weeks of maths are around place Value and probability. Students will look at the difference between place value and value and will conduct chance experiments to identify and describe possible outcomes and recognise variation in results.



This term, students will be learning about different types of heat, exploring how heat is created and how to measure heat. 


Swimming Carnival:

The Year 3s went to their first ever swimming carnival and it was an amazing day filled with lots of fun, laughter and building relationships. The students were extremely well behaved and cheered on their peers.

We are proud of all our students' efforts, positive mindsets and look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments with them throughout these units.

Year 3 Team

Year 4

What an amazing start to the year it has been in Year 4. The teachers, Mrs Peck, Mrs Stead, Miss Chloe, Mrs Pretty and Mrs Bowker have been so proud of how settled the students are and how happy they have been to set up their learning spaces ready for a successful year of learning. 


We have been connecting with familiar faces and making new friendships, learning about the unique talents and personal interests of each student. 

Our writers have begun planning and writing about topics they are passionate about. They have been using their Thinkers Journals to explore and plan possible ‘seeds’ that can grow into great texts. Classroom libraries have been explored with students taking home books for daily reading at home. New interesting texts are in student book boxes and being enjoyed. Can you recognise some of our favourite book characters?

In Maths we are learning about numbers and how our base ten number system works. We have been estimating the size of collections using reference collections to help us visualise.

Try this one: How many coins are there? How many are silver?

Our classrooms are beginning to be filled with displays of student learning and we are excited about the year ahead.


''In year 4, kindness is our jam!''

Year 4 Team

Year 5

The Grade 5 students have had a wonderful start to 2024! Students have been very excited to reconnect with their peers and have settled back into routine with ease. 


In Reading, students are focusing on different comprehension strategies and have been discussing their favourite books, authors and genres with each other.  


In Writing, we have started off by sharing our love of literacy where students have had some fun creating characters and comics. Students will use these to help them throughout our narrative unit. 


In Maths, we are focusing on place value, addition and subtraction, as well as data. 

To find out more about your child’s learning, please have a look on Seesaw. 


Homework has begun this week! It has been so great to see so many students already back into the swing of things and completing all their homework. If you have any questions about homework, please see your child’s homegroup teacher. 


The Grade 5 students and teachers can’t wait to see what’s in store for the rest of the year!


Kind regards,

Grade 5 Teachers

Year 6

What a great start we have had in Year 6!


Students have settled in beautifully, helping their teacher set up their classrooms and getting organised for a busy year. Even though Term One is a short term, it is going to be jam-packed!


In English, we will be reading and analysing different texts, while using a range of comprehension strategies. We will be using our Thinker’s Journal to develop our story sparks into awesome narratives. In Maths, we are focusing on Place Value and Data. In Humanities we will be learning all about the different levels of Government and Democracy.


We had a great time at the swimming carnival, with some Year 6 students placing in the events. We are also beginning to train for our Winter Interschool sports next term- we can’t wait to play against other schools. 

Parents, please keep an eye on Compass for news of our Grade 6 t-shirts that will be available to order soon. A sneak peak of what they will look like can be found below 😊

"In Year 6 we are cool because we thrive at school."

Grade 6 Team