P-6 Art

with Brodie Ralli aCynthia Jose 


The most beautiful world is always entered through the imagination’. – Helen Keller


Hello from Miss Ralli and Mrs Jose in Art Room 1. Miss Ralli will be teaching grade two, four and six in semester 1 and grade two, three and five in semester 2. Mrs Jose will be teaching Foundation and grade one all year. 


Please feel free to pop in at any stage throughout the school year to introduce yourself. Don’t forget to come and have a look at the amazing art works that students will be creating.

In grade 2, we started the year by designing a cover for our art journal. We read the story Louise Loves Art by Kelly Light and explored what it means to transform something into our own ‘masterpiece’. Each child had the first letter of their name and transformed the letter into their own amazing masterpieces.

Akshay (2A) created a dragon. Yash (2A) created a monster. Har (2A) created a hen laying eggs. Zain (2A) created a snake.


In grade 4, we learnt about a type of art that uses lines and patterns called Zentangles. We used the initial letter of our name as the frame and this piece of work has become the front cover of our art journals.

Lovella (4D), Youxia (4D), Avery (4A) and River (4A) have made a great start with the initial letter of their name.


In grade 6, we started by exploring how words can be presented in an artistic way to create our journal covers. Words are everywhere around us and can be created in an eye-catching way. Students had to consider size, style, layout.

Hunter (6A), Zac (6B) and Nicholas (6A) worked hard on their journal covers.



If you’re in the city and looking for an art gallery experience Triennial is currently running at the National Gallery of Victoria. This free exhibition is running until 7th April 2024.


Miss Ralli has been talking to her classes about one of the pieces currently on display Maurizio’s Cattelan’s duct-taped banana. We’ve had some funny discussions about what we think art is.


Art Room Requests –


Throughout the year, the art room will be on the hunt for resources that you may have floating around the house. If you are willing to donate these items to Art Room 1, Miss Ralli will gladly accept.


Do you have?

•Scratched CDs

•Odd scraps of wool or balls of wool

•Fabric/material scraps

•Cardboard cylinders (such as baking paper rolls) – excludes toilet rolls



Our Precious Preps were introduced to Brookside Visual Arts environment for the first time this academic year in week 2. At the Visual Arts room , we got to know each other and addressed ourselves by our names . Kids were eager to state that they were 5/6 years old this year and that they get to wear a school uniform 😊They showed confidence and enthusiasm from the very start. We talked about being safe and happy during learning in the art room. Children were shown where to find the various art materials and to locate their Visual Diaries.  We discussed that art is all about everything that we see and feel around us . Preps began their first activity by drawing an emotion of how they feel when doing art at school.


Year 1 Students showed a vibe of vigor and excitement to be doing art once again !  As a whole class we quickly reflected on what we learnt the previous year.  We also discussed how to move around carefully whilst using various art equipment/ materials within the art room which is set up differently to their normal classrooms.  This term we picked  ‘ Shapes ‘- as one of the Elements of Arts and discussed them .  Students were briefly introduced to Geometric shapes . Amazingly they were quick to grasp and eager to look in and out of the art room to recognise quite a few geometric shapes. Seesaw overview portrays a better understanding of the Learning Intention in Visual Arts .