Colour Run

On Friday 1 March our P&F held our Colour Run. Our students from Kindy to Year 6 took to the oval to be covered in colourful dust and water.

We thank our P&F Committee and all the parents that assist in setting up, covering our students in water & colour and making sure our students had a colourful afternoon.

Congratulations to all our students for the fundraising efforts. Maame Yaafrom from Year 5 was the lucky student picked who got to slime Mr G.

Our top fundraiser was Davina from Pre-Primary got to slime Mr Vine!

The Year 5's had the most registered students have earned a free dress day that will take place later in the term.


A great big thank you to our P&F Committee and all our parent volunteers especially Jane Tolczyk who headed up the sub-committee so that made the day was so much fun for everyone!


We are very grateful to Caroline Brennan who created the beautiful frame on the soccer goals that we used as the back drop of our photos. Bullsbrooks Water Carriers kindly came down and donated the water that was used to spray all the students, thank you for the donation!